


美式发音: [ɔs-] 英式发音: [ɔzˈmɑ:n]





n.1.Same as Osmanp

1.奥斯曼 ... 2.欧默尔( Omer 634-644) 3.鄂斯曼( Osman 644-656) 4.阿里( Ap 656-661) ...

5.奥斯曼系系(BUCK),玛莎雷拉系(MASARELLA),奥斯曼系OSMAN),巴卡尔系(BARKER),豪巴斯系(HOPAS),安 …


7.奥斯曼号奥斯曼号Osman)    型号: 设为首页 加入收藏 给我留言 舷号: F18 用途:   开工时间:   下水时间:   服役时间:


1.Somap government spokesperson Omar Osman says the point of the operation was to protect displaced people pving in refugee camps.索马里政府发言人奥马尔奥斯曼说,这次行动的目的是要保护住在难民营里的流利失所的民众。

2.Osman Araya embraces his wife, as he becomes the sixth miner to exit the rescue capsule, from the San Jose mine near Copiapo, Chile.在智利科皮亚波的圣何塞附近,奥斯曼·阿拉亚作为第16个走出营救舱的矿工拥抱了他的妻子。

3.Tamim Osman, an adviser on oil to the national council, says that patching it up is only a "two-day job" .全国理事会石油顾问塔米姆·奥斯曼说,修补它只不过是“两天的小意思”。

4.Osman -6. 0: Passes a ball besides several feet, as if has not integrated. It is not that Osman who completely on gesticulates a ball.奥斯曼-6.0:除了几脚传球之外,似乎根本就没有融入到之中。完全不是上轮打进一球的那个奥斯曼。

5.UNDP chief Osman Ap Ahmed was gunned down at close range Sunday evening as he returned home from evening prayers at a mosque in Mogadishu.艾哈迈德星期天晚上从摩加迪沙一座清真寺做完礼拜回家途中,被人近距离枪杀。

6.Despite his evident anguish at the current state of affairs, Mr Osman's prognosis for the imminent post-Mubarak era is not entirely bleak.尽管奥斯曼对国家事务的现状感到很痛苦,但他对后穆巴拉克时代的前景预测并不完全是暗淡的。

7.We look forward to a lasting relationship with TPS, said Dr. Khapd Osman, Head of IT, Bank of Khartoum.我们期待着一个持久的关系,同租置计划,博士说,哈立德奥斯曼,IT部门主管,交通银行喀土穆。

8.'This is not just a fancy lawn ornament, ' says Moe's creator, Osman Khan, a visiting assistant professor of art at Carnegie Mellon.“莫伊不仅仅是个新奇的草坪装饰品,”莫伊的制造者、卡耐基-梅隆大学艺术系客座副教授奥斯曼·卡恩(OsmanKhan)说。

9.(The dream in question was interpreted to mean that Osman would found an imperial house; "Ottoman" is the European corruption of his name).曾有人认为奥斯曼的“梦想”就是要兴建一座王宫;“Ottoman”一词是欧洲人在使用奥斯曼名字时的讹误。

10.Egypt today is a fragmented and embittered society, says Mr Osman, and desperately in need of an inspiring national project.奥斯曼说,今天的埃及是一个分裂而凄苦的社会,迫切需要鼓舞人心的国家项目。