


美式发音: [ɒˈtɑːkʊ] 英式发音: 





n.1.referring to people with obsessive interests, particluarly anime, manga and video games

1.御宅族而御宅族(OTAKU),通常是指热衷于动,漫画及游乐器,电脑等次文化的人,通常御宅族你是遇不到的,因为他们都躲在家里,除非是他 …

2.宅男虽然宅男(otaku)宅女越来越多,但为了朋友、为了工作、为了爱情,我们不得不鼓起勇气和陌生人搭讪。那么,在不同的社交 …

3.御宅男御宅女类似于御宅男otaku)。代表(御宅女):泉此方(幸运星) 代表(腐女子):田村日和(幸运星) 关于腐女: 现在 …


5.御宅文化当东北亚御宅文化Otaku)中漫画、动画、电玩里的各种美少女形象,席卷亚洲艺术市场。次文化变主流,当代亚洲艺术市场 …

6.宅物爱好:宅物OTAKU),尤其是美少女游戏(受父亲的影响)。拥有的游戏机:掌机 ndsl 金属蓝 喜欢的漫画:keroro军曹(第7 …


1.Due to overspending in KL, I suppose I'll have to hang around at home and be an otaku this few days.由于这次在吉隆坡花费超支了,所以估计这几天要在家当宅男了。

2.China is always so hot in the summer season; once again descend into a palace otaku.中国的夏天永远是那么炎热,再一次沦落成深宫宅男。

3.The huge influence of media for teenagers to think, curtilage is a kind of popular, even to himself as an otaku rong.传媒的巨大影响力让青少年认为,宅是一种流行,甚至以自己是御宅族为荣。

4.This morning when i wake up, i found that i had been a OTAKU for about 6 months. . .今天早上当我起床时,我突然意识到我已经过了6个月的宅男生活了。

5.I'm afraid that I'm out when happiness knocks at my door, so I'm always an Otaku.我担心当幸福来敲门的时候我却不在家,所以我总是窝在家里。

6.It's impossible to say exactly what portion of otaku are 2-D lovers, because the distinction between the two can be blurry.要想明确界定2D爱好者属于御宅族的哪一派是不可能的,因为两者分解并不清晰。

7.Like most otaku, the majority of 2-D lovers go to work, pay rent, hang out with friends (some are even married).和许多御宅族一样,大多数2D爱好者去上班,付房租,和朋友出去玩(有些甚至已经成家)。

8.Otaku " is a breed of Japanese youth obsessed with video games, computers and fantasy worlds. "“宅男”是对沉溺于视频游戏、电脑和虚拟世界的日本年轻人的称呼。

9.Hiroki Azuma, a professor at Waseda University, is the author of "Otaku: Japan's Database Animals. "HirokiAzuma,早稻田大学教授,是《宅男:日本的数据库动物》的作者。

10.After stopping briefly at the Asobit City hobby shop, notable for its shooting range where otaku can play with soft-pellet guns.AsobitCity模型商店里有个靶场很出名,宅男们可以在这里玩软弹枪。