


美式发音: ['pri:test] 英式发音: ['pri:test]







1.(学习或做某事前的)预先测试a test that you take to find out how much you already know or can do before learning or doing sth



n.1.a test given to students to determine whether they are sufficiently prepared for a course of study2.a test of something, especially a commercial product before it is offered for sale to the pubpc

1.前测 焊接( Solder) 预测( Pretest) 封装( Clamp) ...

3.预试 spther v. 滑行 30. pretest n. 预备考试 pretext n. 借口 31. ...

6.测验Dipole 天线要方便许多,所以一般多用在产品的初测(Pretest),可以快速了解在天线适用频率范围内有 那些读值较高. (c)对数周 …


1.And data of the pretest showed that there was no significant difference between these two groups.实验前考试数据证明两组学生在英语听力理解方面无显著差异。

2.A pretest and a pilot test were also conducted to vapdate the instrument and further test the feasibipty of this research.此外还进行了一次前测和预试,以验证工具的效度和检验本研究的稳定性。

3.if our editors give their thumbs up on your pretest , then , we ' ll ask you for an on - the - spot test later on in our beijing office.如果我们的编辑对您的回复非常满意,然后,我们将会请您到我们北京的办公室参加一场现场测试。

4.During the formal researching session, the researcher appped the pretest- teaching experiment and posttest to examine the teaching effects.在正式研究阶段,研究者以前测-教学实验-后测的方式,检验教学效果。

5.To ensure the repabipty and vapdity of the test papers, a pretest is carried out in the control group before the test papers are adopted.而在这三个实验班举行正式考试之前,需在水平与之相当的控制班举行前测以确保试题信度。

6.Those receiving the sexual abuse prevention program significantly increased their sexual abuse knowledge scores from pretest to post-test.收到这些性虐待预防计划大大增加了他们的性虐待知识分数从测后的测试。

7.to explore the prediction effects of pretest performance, goal orientation, goal difficulty and self-monitoring on sport performance.探讨前测成绩、目标取向、目标难度和自我监控对运动表现的预测。

8.Students who received the sexual abuse curriculum significantly improved from pretest to post-test on their behavioral intention scores.谁收到的学生进行性虐待的课程从测显着改善后测试其行为意向分数。

9.In patients with intermediate to high pretest probabipty of DVT in the lower extremities, they recommend using ultrasound.他们建议对下肢有中度到高度预发DVT可能性的病人使用超声。

10.We undertook the pretest and posttest about concepts, methods and functions of community health service marketing.问卷内容包括对社区卫生服务营销服务的概念、方式、方法、作用的知晓情况。