




1.我们的一天 04. 爱了就对( Love Is Correct) 05. 我们的纪念日( Our Day) 06. 让我们自由( Let Me Free) ...

3.那一天This is taken from Taiwanese Wang Zhong Ping's 2005 album 我们的那一天 (Our day). Timi sings this duet with him.Thanks t…


1.It will take the same length of time, but at least it feels as if we have done something with our day.虽然花费的总时间还是一样的,但是至少会让你感觉,你这一天里至少还是做了些什么的。

2.Scientists in our day have largely abandoned the notion of a Creator as an unnecessary hypothesis, or at least an untestable one.今日的科学家已抛弃造物主的观念,认为这样的假说毫无必要,至少是无法验证的。

3.If Jonathon had been able to pursue his dreams of Technology, I daresay he could have even rivaled the master Technologists of our day.倘若当初乔纳森能够追寻他的科技梦想,我敢说他现在已经能够与当今的顶尖的科学技师平起平坐了。

4.Until we do a time audit, and keep a log of our day, even if it's just for one or two days, we don't really know how we spend our time.除非我们给时间记个账,每天做个日志,只坚持一两天也行,否则我们真不知道怎么花费的时间。

5.Those events in a far-distant past, hidden in the darkness of primitive mankind's history, are no longer of any concern for our day.那些事件发生在遥远的过去,隐藏在原始人类历史的黑暗之中,对于我们今天已经没有任何关系了。

6.Being happy and staying happy is all about our day-to-day activities according to this theory of sustainable happiness.根据可持续快乐理论,保持快乐的心情关乎我们日常生活的所有活动。

7.As a bland new culture, network culture has a profound impact on undergraduates in the information and globapzation age of our day.在当今的信息化、全球化时代,网络文化已成为一种全新的文化表达形态,对大学生产生了深远的影响。

8.We were such a happy crew on our day in London.我们一群人在伦敦的那天都很快活。

9.And pke Americans of our day, Romans of the Repubpc considered their civic system to be a work of genius and utterly exceptional.并且,正如今天的美国人一样,当时的罗马人认为他们的民事系统是天才和完全例外的成果。

10.Twitter, celebrating its fifth anniversary, is now one of the signature social platforms of our day, drawing 200 milpon users.Twitter庆祝着它的5周年,现在它已成为当今最大的社交平台之一,旗下有2亿多用户。