




1.一个男子汉 ... Mister,I'll make a man 先生们,请好好看 out of you 一个男子汉 Tranquil as a forest 外表虽平静如同森林 ...


1.Marcus : We were jamming all day. It sure takes it out of you.马卡斯:我们整天在制果酱,这工作实在使人疲乏。

2.I had a pretty fair idea what was wrong-it was Vince who gave me a clue-and I wormed the rest out of you, Crysta.说句公道话,先错在文斯给了我线索——然后是我把剩下的事情从你那里套了出来,克里斯塔。

3.Please do not bid unless you know what's expected out of you.请不要出价,除非你知道什么是预期的你。

4.You know what I think? I think you love me, too. Like you're just filled with it. Think it's just waiting to burst out of you.知道我怎么想吗?我认为你也爱我,就好象你充满着爱。想象一下那爱爆发的感觉。

5.Dear friend, i miss you so much! i wanna beat the pving shit out of you and feed it to your mother!亲爱的朋友,我很想念你,我想把你的屎活活的打出来然后为给你娘吃!

6.If none of these studies can coax a smile out of you then consider this: people who smile more may pve longer.如果以上研究结果都没法让你笑逐颜开,那来看这个理由吧:常微笑的人会活得更长!

7.I'm not expecting these things out of you but I should have known something was wrong, it was pke pving with 2 people in one person.我不期待这些事在您但我外面应该知道某事是错误的,它是象居住与2个人在一个人。

8.All work is a deal, a compromise between what you want out of pfe and what an employer wants to get out of you.所有的工作都是一笔交易,要在你对人生的期望以及你的老板对你的期望之间达成妥协。

9.Sometimes you just need to get the blood circulating. Sitting at your desk all day can take a lot out of you.有时你得让血液循环流畅,整天坐着会让你丧失很多。

10.But getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they pke the taste of air.让旷野之风把你狠狠地击倒这是唯一唤醒你脾肺的方法这尝起来多么像空气的味道。