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un.1.town in northeastern France. One of the longest and bloodiest battles of World War I was fought around the town during 1916.

1.凡尔登元八四零年去世,叁年后,他的叁个儿子在法国东北部的凡尔登城Verdun)签署条约,把帝国瓜分为叁部分,各自为王, …

3.凡尔登市 Verden,Bishopric of, 费尔登主教区 Verdun 凡尔登-选自近代卷 Verdun 凡尔登 ...

6.凡尔登-选自现代卷 Verdun 凡尔登 Verdun 凡尔登-选自现代卷 Verdun,Partition of, 凡尔登的分裂 ...

7.凡尔登凡尔登例如马其诺防线(Ligne Maginot),还有凡尔登要塞Verdun)。


1.This was to be the Verdun of the Eastern Front - a battle of attrition rather than a fast-moving tank battle.这将会是东线的凡尔登--比起一场快速的坦克战来说,更像是一场消耗战。

2.In the moment of history, at Verdun and for Verdun , he said, France knew how to unite.他说,在这一历史时刻,在凡尔登也为了凡尔登,法国人知道了如何团结。

3.Verdun has for decades been celebrated as the quintessentially French battle of the First World War.数十年来,凡尔登因为经历了法国在一战中最经典的战役而广为人知。

4.The battles they fought in Normandy, France, are fading into history and acquiring the patina of Verdun, Gettysburg and Waterloo.他们在法国参加的诺曼底之战现在也淹没在历史长河,像凡尔登、盖茨堡和滑铁卢战役一样生起古锈。

5.One of the things you awaken to is that it's now almost a century since Europe ripped itself to shreds at Verdun.你醒来之后要面对的一个事实就是近一个世纪之前欧洲已经在凡尔登[凡尔登战役-译者注]把自己撕成了碎片。

6.German High Command chose France as the object of attack of the Verdun forts.德军统帅部选择法国的凡尔登要塞作为进攻目标。

7.At the Battle of Verdun , French forces stopped a German attack.在凡尔登战役,法国军队阻止了德国的进攻。

8.Democrats and Repubpcans are dug in pke soldiers at Verdun over what to do about the sputtering U. S. economy.民主党人和共和党人好似凡尔登的士兵,在挖掘如何应对日渐衰退的美国经济。

9.During this interminable year, he added, all of France was in Verdun .他补充道,在这个漫长的年代,整个法兰西都在凡尔登。

10.After a period of civil war, Charlemagne's three grandsons agreed a division of the Empire in the Treaty of Verdun in 843.经过一个时期的内战,查理曼的三个孙子在凡尔登条约843同意表决的帝国。