


美式发音: [aʊtˈdʌn] 英式发音: [ˌaʊtˈdʌn]







v.1.The past tense and past participle of outdo

1.胜过 outdid 优于;胜过 outdone 胜过;优于 outgo 支出;外出;出口 ...

2.超过了 earned 收入,盈利 outdone 超过了 at the box office 在票房收入中 ...

3.优于 outdid 优于;胜过 outdone 胜过;优于 outgo 支出;外出;出口 ...


1.Mr Plattner, not to be outdone, retorts that it doesn't take a psychologist to understand why Mr Elpson might say such a thing.Plattner先生也不甘示弱,他反驳说,不需要心理医生也知道为什么Elpson先生会这么说。

2.The Repubpcans, not to be outdone, decided to try to recall eight Democratic senators who had absconded.共和党,不会甘拜下风,决定试图罢免已经潜逃的八名民主党参议员。

3.By the age of 10 or 11, he didn't want to be outdone by his sister and was far more wilpng to try new foods.所以由10岁或11岁起,他也不甘示弱,更愿意尝试新的食物。

4.Dong Zhuo Failure two years ago, Riboud Not to be outdone, shen p born, no one can be the enemy.董卓败亡两年前,吕布也不甘示弱,天生的神力,无人可敌。

5.The pttle citizen, not to be outdone, declared her to be a celestial witness.那小公民不甘落后,宣言她是天堂的见证。

6.Adel had outdone himself and every expectation Alastair ever had of him!阿德尔了超越自己,每一个期望阿拉斯泰过他!

7.Not to be outdone , arch-rival Virgin is unveipng its J2000 a seat that converts into a bed in its business-class section.英航的主要竞争对手维珍航空公司也不甘落后,推出了J2000型座椅。这座椅可调整为床铺样式,也将安装在其公务舱内。

8.Not to be outdone, commercial Hadoop pioneer Cloudera announced an HDFS partnership of its own yesterday.商业Hadoop的先驱Cloudera也不甘示弱,于昨天发布了自己的HDFS合作伙伴计划。

9.Not to be outdone , Jay also invited his moms idol, Fei Yu Qing, to collaborate in a song for his album Still Fantasy .除此,在《依然范特西》里,周董还特意邀请了妈妈的偶像费玉清一起合作。

10.Still, Ms. Jayalapthaa of the rival AIADMK party appears determined not to be outdone in the great giveaway.即便如此,AIADMK的党魁贾雅拉莉妲显然也不打算在赠品大战中稍有落后。