




1.室外咖啡馆图片 假钻石混杂图片 Rhinestone Jumble 室外咖啡馆图片 Outdoor Cafe 霍尔图片 Ayres H…

2.户外用餐区了­一股艺术气息,呈现环境艺术的整体规划,晚上变成露天咖啡(Outdoor Cafe).至於爱河的景色,白天不如晚上.请观赏我的「夜游 …

4.露天茶座 5. Various Events 形形色色的活动 6. Outdoor Cafe 露天茶座 ...

5.下龙湾的露天酒吧 ... 下龙湾的露天酒吧 Outdoor Cafe 下龙邮政局 还有两辆三轮车 Post Office and Tricycles ...


1.Young people are given promotional samples of a new brand of whiskey by girls working for the pquor company at an outdoor cafe.在户外咖啡店里,为烈酒公司打工的女孩为年轻人送上促销用的样品酒。

2.Take a break at the museum's nice outdoor cafe before you trek up the Acropops hill.在博物馆室外咖啡厅休息一下,然后我们向卫城前行。

3.We had lunch at a nice outdoor cafe. then rode out of the city.我们在一个漂亮的户外咖啡厅吃了午饭后就离开了这个城市。

4.On the first day of my visit, we went out with one of my father's friends for lunch at an outdoor cafe.在我的第一天,我们去了我父亲的一个朋友共进午餐在户外咖啡馆。

5.Outdoor cafe, kauppatori (fish market) on the harbour.渔人码头上的户外咖啡座。

6.Let's sit and chat at this outdoor cafe.我们到室外咖啡座坐着聊天吧。