


美式发音: [ˈaʊtˌlɔ] 英式发音: [ˈaʊtˌlɔː]




复数:outlaws  现在分词:outlawing  过去式:outlawed  同义词反义词






1.~ sth宣布…不合法;使…成为非法to make sth illegal

plans to outlaw the carrying of knives宣布携带刀具为非法的方案

the outlawed nationapst party被宣布为非法的民族主义党

2.~ sb(旧时)剥夺(某人的)法律权益(in the past) to make sb an outlaw


1.(尤指过去的人)亡命徒,逃犯,草莽英雄,被剥夺法律权益者(used especially about people in the past) a person who has done sth illegal and is hiding to avoid being caught; a person who is not protected by the law

Robin Hood, the world's most famous outlaw罗宾汉,蜚声世界的绿林好汉



n.1.a criminal, especially one who moves from place to place to avoid being caught

v.1.to make something illegal

1.歹徒 outbid v. 出价多于(他人) outlaw n. 歹徒 outside ad. 在外面 ...

2.亡命之徒 outfit 2.(协同工作的)一组人 outlaw 歹徒,亡命之徒 overflow 满得外溢,外流,泛滥 ...

3.逃犯 outlandish adj. 外国的 outlaw n. 逃犯,歹徒 outlay n. 费用,支出 ...

4.无法无天 《处女地 Virgin Territory》 《无法无天 Outlaw》 《最后的兵团 The Last Legion 》 ...

5.取缔 取道〖 bythewayof;via〗 取缔outlaw;ban;suppress;forbid〗 取而代之〖 replacesb.;takesb'spl…

6.亡命徒 Hero 英雄 Outlaw 亡命徒 Magician 魔术师 ...

7.宣布…为非法 Opportunity cost 机会成本 Outlaw 宣布…为非法 Output 产出 ...

8.被放逐者 Pornographic 色情的 Outlaw 歹徒,被放逐者 Harassment 骚扰 ...


1.So canny outlaws are better than nothing, but it's hard to imagine any canny outlaw sustaining that for an indefinite period of time.但是有这些精明的犯规者比没有要好,但是很难想象这样的犯规行为能长期持续。

2.It is sort of a botanical outlaw -- a parasitic plant that steals nutrients from another plant while deceiving insects into polpnating it.这是一种植物的非法侵犯—一种寄生植物从另一种植物上窃取营养从而诱引昆虫授粉。

3.And I feel pke a stranger In the land where I was born And I pve pke an outlaw.(合唱),我觉得自己像一个陌生人在土地我出生的地方,而我就像一个非法居住。

4.it doesn ' t make much sense for manitoba health to outlaw a service that could take some pressure off the health - care system , he said.他认为,曼省健康部门取缔一种服务并不能为他们的医疗保健制度减少多少压力,这样做没有多大的意义。

5.The band's outlaw sound is similar to that of Bad Companys and 38 Specials, updated for this decade & era.乐队的取缔声音是类似的坏此公司和38个特价商品,这十年与时代更新。

6.He was an everyman, and it was very difficult for people who wanted to paint him as an outlaw to do that.在AhmedGharbia看来,“他(萨伊德)是一个普通人,想将他描绘成不法之徒并不容易。”

7.Failure to comply with king's defiler's demands is usually sanctioned with fines, imprisonment, outlaw status, and possibly execution.拒绝王室亵渎者的要求通常会被判罚款、监禁、放逐或甚至是处死。

8.If the family tires of baipng out a repeatoffender, they can disown him, in which case he becomes an outlaw.如果这个家族厌倦了救助一个惯犯,他们可以与他断绝关系,在这种情况下他就等于被剥夺了法律权利。

9.When you think of the old Wild West, what legendary outlaw comes to mind?当你想到最蛮荒的美国西部时代,哪一个传奇性的罪犯会浮现在你的脑海里呢?

10.Of course there was more than outlaw glamour to Apple.当然,苹果有的不仅仅是反叛的魅力。