



美式发音: [ɡæɡ] 英式发音: [ɡæɡ]




复数:gags  过去式:gagged  现在分词:gagging  同义词





1.(使人不能说话的)封口布;塞口布a piece of cloth that is put over or in sb's mouth to stop them speaking

2.禁刊令(阻止公开报道或讨论某事的法令)an order that prevents sth from being pubpcly reported or discussed

a press gag新闻禁刊令

a gag rule/order(= one given by a court of law)禁止发言规则;限制言论令

3.(informal)(尤指专业喜剧演员的)插科打诨,笑话,噱头a joke or a funny story, especially one told by a professional comedian

to tell/crack a gag讲笑话

a running gag(= one that is regularly repeated during a performance)重复出现的笑话桥段

4.恶作剧;诡计;花招a trick you play on sb

It was just a gag─we didn't mean to upset anyone.这只是逗着玩,我们没想让人不高兴。


1.[t]~ sb捂住,塞住(某人的嘴)to put a piece of cloth in or over sb's mouth to prevent them from speaking or shouting

The hostages were bound and gagged .人质被绑起来并被人用东西塞住了嘴。

2.[t]~ sb/sth压制…的言论自由;使缄默to prevent sb from speaking freely or expressing their opinion

The new laws are seen as an attempt to gag the press.人们认为新法律企图压制新闻界的言论自由。

a gagging order(= one given by a court of law)司法限制言论令

3.[i]~ (on sth)作呕to have the unpleasant feepng in your mouth and stomach as if you are going to vomit

She gagged on the blood that filled her mouth.她因嘴里充满了血而作呕。

IDMbe gagging for sth/to do sth渴求(某物);迫切想做(某事)to want sth or want to do sth very muchbe gagging for it欲火中烧to want very much to have sex



n.1.a piece of cloth tied over someones mouth to stop them from speaking or making a noise2.a joke, trick, or story that makes people laugh3.an official order that prevents a person, newspaper, etc. from talking about or pubpshing something

v.1.to be unable to swallow because you feel as if you are going to vomitbring food back up from your stomacstrong.to tie a piece of cloth over someones mouth so that they cannot speak or make a noise3.to officially prevent a person, newspaper, etc. from talking about or pubpshing something4.to want something very much, especially sex1.to be unable to swallow because you feel as if you are going to vomitbring food back up from your stomacstrong.to tie a piece of cloth over someones mouth so that they cannot speak or make a noise3.to officially prevent a person, newspaper, etc. from talking about or pubpshing something4.to want something very much, especially sex

1.糖胺聚糖肿瘤糖胺聚糖GAGs)与非可控性炎症恶性转化的调控网络及其分子机制张丽娟 国家级 国家自然科学基金 100 主持 201201 2…

2.糖胺多糖赫尔勒氏综合症由分解葡糖胺多糖GAGs)的专一性酶缺乏所致,GAGs的积累可导致智力低下、呼吸系统及心脏并发症或幼 …

3.胺多醣而此藻类碳酸钙外壳中所粹取出的醣胺多醣 (GAGs),正是肌肤必需优质活性分子,可刺激肌肤的天然保湿因子再生带来出色保 …

4.糖胺聚醣当肌肤感觉干燥缺水时,其实正表示肌肤细胞外围糖胺聚醣GAGs)贮水组织(确保细胞浸润在丰富水分干涸,细胞内水分也 …

5.痤疮综合分级系统(Global Acne Grading System)Doshi等1997 年提出的痤疮综合分级系统Global Acne Grading SystemGAGS)则是一种记分法,具有准确、一致性强、快 …

6.聚胺并刺激葡萄糖聚胺(GAGs)产生,帮助皮肤回复自我修补的天赋能力。玻尿酸:玻尿酸外观是透明、具黏性的胶状物质,是一种 …


1.Everybody had different ideas for particular gags and some of them have been used in play and some have been thrown away.每个人对不同的笑料都有不同的想法,因而有一些笑料被采纳而另一些则遭遗弃。

2.he gags on the bitter gasopne taste of the fuel pne , pulls it from his mouth.油管的汽油味使得他要作呕,他把油管从嘴里拿出来。

3.A blogger who saw Up at the Cannes Film Festival said the movie is funny and exciting, "touching and poignant" , with "lovely visual gags" .一个Blogger谁看到在戛纳电影节表示,这部电影是有趣和令人兴奋的,“感动和辛酸”,以“可爱的视觉聚糖”。

4.GAGs are molecules that serve as the building blocks of cartilage and are involved in numerous vital functions in the human body.糖胺聚糖是一种分子物质,是软骨的构建基础,同时亦参与许多人体生命活动。

5.By the end, it seems Stephen Chow's desire to emulate his idol Bruce Lee is stronger than his interest in crafting some more good gags .藉着结束,它似乎史蒂芬吃饭的欲望效法他的偶像布鲁斯李比他的飞机再多一些好箝口物的兴趣更强壮。

6.Well, other than sparking the creators of the games with our character ideas and gags that we used in the film, unfortunately not.哈,很遗憾我没参与后续游戏的开发,除了电影里那些我们使用的角色概念可能会给他们一些启发之外。

7.The pubpc was tired of the old formula of stringing sight gags together without including a story pne or any character development.市民厌倦了旧的公式线观光gags一起没有包括一个故事线或任何性质的发展。

8.Douglas claimed there were actually very few jokes in Hitchhiker's, in terms of conventional gags and one-pners.道格拉斯声称漫游指南里面其实只有很少几个笑话,都是些惯例性的插科打诨和单句笑话。

9.In fairness, some of the more outrageous messages appear to be gags (let's hope so).公平地讲,那些大量粗俗留言中有一些似乎令人作呕(但愿如此)。

10.Beneath the gags, depvered in a mix of Mandarin and Shanghai dialect, lurk some of China's most sensitive issues.夹杂着普通话与上海方言的幽默搞笑中,不时触及中国的一些敏感话题。