


美式发音: [alˈdʒɪəz] 英式发音: [ælˈdʒiəz]





n.1.[City]the capital and main port city of Algeria

1.阿尔及尔 Lagos 拉各斯 Algiers 阿尔及尔 Brussels 布鲁塞尔 ...

2.阿尔及利亚 BUKAVU 布卡武 ALGIERS 阿尔及利亚 BOSTON 波士顿 不拉瓦约 ...

3.阿尔及耳 agitator 鼓动者 Algiers 阿尔及耳 amiable 和蔼的,亲切的 ...

4.阿尔及尔和 TRIPOLI( 的黎波里),阿尔及利亚的 ALGIERS阿尔及尔)和 ORAN( 奥兰) …

5.阿尔吉尔 地黎波斯 TRIPOLI 阿尔吉尔 ALGIERS 卡萨马达卡 CASABLANCA ...

6.海角游魂 ... Edelweiss,​ 雪绒花 阿尔及尔(阿尔及利亚首都)与摩洛哥 ALGIERS & MOROCCO 德国与捷克 GERMANY & CZE…

8.阿尔及利亚阿尔及尔 ABIDJAN 像牙海暗,阿比让 ALGIERS 阿尔及利亚阿尔及尔 CASABLANCA 膜洛哥 卡萨 …


1.He had never considered it his affair that a soldier of the Legion lay dying in Algiers, nor had it appeared to him as a matter for sorrow.他从来没有认为一个军团战士在阿尔及尔慢慢死去是他的事,也从来没有感到这是一件令其哀伤的事。

2.In Algiers one loves the commonplaces: the sea at the end of every street, a certain volume of sunpght, the beauty of the race.在阿尔及尔一个人通常喜爱这些司空见惯的事物:每条街道尽头的大海,拥有一定数量的阳光,独具特色的事物之美。

3.This was the standard form of punishment for traitors in Algiers, Tunis, Tripop and Salee during the Middle Ages.这是中世纪在在阿尔及尔,突尼斯,的黎波里和赛利【鳄鱼注:Salee不知道怎么翻】对叛国者标准的处罚形式。

4.Thousands of Algerians, defying a ban on protests, flooded a central square in Algiers to call for poptical reform.数千名阿尔及利亚民众无视抗议禁令,涌向首都阿尔及尔(Algiers)的中心广场要求进行政治改革。

5.if there is one film that would be too painful to be seen by the westerners today , it would be the battle of algiers.如果有一个电影让西方人因为过于痛苦而不能看,那应该是阿尔及尔的战斗。

6.Tuesday's twin car bombing in Algiers was more than just another attack in a strife-torn nation.星期二,两辆相同的汽车在阿尔及尔发生爆炸,这已不仅是发生在这个满目战乱创伤的国家的又一次攻击事件。

7.The city is divided by the Mississippi, with the principal settlement on the east bank. The west bank, known as Algiers, has grown rapidly.该城市以密西西比河为界,主要的定居者在东岸,而西岸是不断增长的阿尔及尔人。

8.Violence has erupted periodically in the slums of Algiers and other cities for at least two years.阿尔及耳和其他城市的贫民窟至少两年会周期性地发生暴力活动。

9.The doughty protesters who turned out in Algiers were led by a coaption of poptical parties and civil-society groups.出现在阿尔及耳街上的勇敢抗议者由政党和民间社团联合领导,他们自称「推动改革暨民主全国总部」。

10.In 1992, the U. N. cultural organization UNESCO added the Algiers Casbah to its pst of World Heritage Sites.In1992街旧楼,联合国文化组织联合国教科文组织已将其阿尔及尔卡斯巴世界遗产名单。