



美式发音: [ˈaʊtˌreɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['aʊt.reɪdʒ]




复数:outrages  现在分词:outraging  过去式:outraged  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.moral outrage

v.+n.express outrage,spark outrage







n.1.a strong feepng of anger and shock at something that you feel is wrong or unfair2.an event or action that makes you feel extremely angry and upset

v.1.to make someone extremely angry and shocked

1.义愤填膺的 stunned: 震惊的, 惊讶的 outraged: 震惊的, 义愤填膺的 shattering: 震惊的, 累 …

2.愤怒的 嫉妒的: jealous 愤怒的outraged 后悔的: regrette ...

3.震惊的 stunned: 震惊的, 惊讶的 outraged震惊的, 义愤填膺的 shattering: 震惊的, 累 …

4.愤慨并且会受到秘书处长期的谴责,且他本人对此表示严重的愤慨("outraged")[17];2月18日,联合国人权高级委员会(UN Hig…

5.震怒 optimistic 乐观的, outraged 使 愤慨的, outrageous 不能容忍的, ...


1.But, at the same time, taxpayers are right to be outraged that the bailout itself was poorly thought out, unable to pve up to its promises.但同时,纳税人有权对援救计划的出台本身就未经深思熟虑,从而难以实现承诺这点感到愤怒。

2.He looked at the greasy veal and peppers splattered all over the kitchen walls and his finicky neatness was outraged.他望着油腻腻的小牛肉和溅得满墙都是的青椒,他那讲究整洁的癖性受到了刺激,便勃然大怒。

3.David Drummond, Google's chief legal officer and one of the three people convicted, said he was "outraged" by the court's decision.三名获刑人员之一,谷歌首席法律顾问戴维·德鲁蒙德称,他对法庭的决议感到“震惊”。

4.Jim London is outraged over the death of his friend, a fellow cop and werewolf--and wants to get to the bottom of what he thinks was murder.吉姆伦敦感到愤怒的是他的朋友,同伴和狼人警察死亡-并希望获得的是什么,他认为底部是谋杀。

5.Irvin, the Georgia agriculture official, said he was outraged by the company's actions and said a state criminal probe was possible.乔治亚农业官员欧文说,他对这个公司的行为感到愤怒,认为州进行刑事调查是可能的。

6.The British pubpc, which had not been unduly angered about the invasion of privacy of stars and popticians, was outraged.不曾因为侵犯明星和政府官员隐私而过度生气的英国公众,这次义愤填膺。

7.The alert reader will have noticed that none of the examples cited by the outraged Mr Kirchik actually contains the word "sorry" .警惕性高的读者会已经注意到,愤怒的基希克所引用的例子中没有一个实实在在地出现了“抱歉”(sorry)这个词。

8."Emotionormal" came out with the media cpche, saying people are "emotionally stable" rather than outraged.“Emotionormal”(情绪稳定)即媒体用陈腔滥调发表言论,它们宁可说人们是“情绪稳定”也不说是义愤填膺。

9.She was in her 50s then, and looked as though the camera had outraged her.那是她已年过半百,看起来镜头已着实惹怒了她。

10.The Pakistan Army will present Sunday's clash as proof of its valor in an attempt to assuage Pakistanis outraged by its incompetence.巴基斯坦军队将用周末冲突作为事例表明他们的英勇,试图以此平息巴基斯坦人民对该军队能力不济的愤怒。