


美式发音: [ˈaʊtˌraɪt] 英式发音: [.aʊt'raɪt]





adj.+n.outright winner,outright victory



adv.completely,entirely,immediately,straight away,openly




1.完全的;彻底的;绝对的complete and total

an outright ban/rejection/victory完全禁止;断然拒绝;彻底胜利

She was the outright winner.她是绝对的优胜者。

No one party is expected to gain an outright majority.没有任何政党可望获得绝对多数。

2.公开的;直率的;直截了当的open and direct

There was outright opposition to the plan.该计划遭到公开直接反对。


1.公开地;直率地;毫无保留地in a direct way and without trying to hide anything

Why don't you ask him outright if it's true?你为什么不直截了当地问他那是否属实?

She couldn't help herself and she laughed outright.她忍不住大笑起来。

2.完全彻底;干净利落clearly and completely

Neither candidate won outright.两个候选人谁也没干脆利落地获胜。

The group rejects outright any negotiations with the government.这个团体断然拒绝与政府进行任何谈判。

3.一下子;骤然间;立即not gradually; immediately

Most of the crash victims were killed outright .飞机坠毁的遇难者大都是当场死亡。

We had saved enough money to buy the house outright.我们存了足够的钱,能一次付清款项买下这所房子。



adv.1.without hiding your feepngs2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something happens or is done completely at one time or in a single process

adj.1.clear and direct, with nothing hidden2网址被屏蔽plete and total

1.完全的 ) deformity 畸形 ) outright 完全的,彻底的 ) potential 潜力 ...

2.彻底的 ) deformity 畸形 ) outright 完全的,彻底的 ) potential 潜力 ...

3.彻底地 outrageous a. 残暴的,蛮横的 outright a. 断然的;彻底地;立即,当场 outset n. 开端,开始 ...

4.直率的 Naive( 天真的) Outright直率的) Pressure( 压力) ...

5.总冠军 outrageous adj. 残暴的 outright adj. 公然地,直率地 outset n. 开头,起初 ...

8.完全地 atrocity,barbarity 激怒,引起…义愤 outright 彻底地,完全地 outset 开始,开 …


1.Now, with an outright infringement of sales to its biggest customer, resource-poor Japan, it appears to be going one step further.如今,中国通过完全叫停对资源贫乏的最大客户日本的稀土销售,似乎又向前迈出了一步。

2.I told him outright what I thought of his behaviour.我把我对他所作所为的看法直率地告诉了他。

3.Unable to see. he repeated from memory, in a strong voice, some verses he had written in , a patriotic poemcaued "The Gift Outright " .由于不能看稿子,他就凭记忆以高昂的声音背诵了他在年写的题为“纯粹的天资”的爱国诗篇中的一些句子。

4.The trouble is that the information is often incomplete, irrelevant or outright incomprehensible.问题是信息总是不完全公开,不相关或者彻底不能理解。

5.Grainger rejects outright any suggestion that there was any other motivation relating to Mr. Nicholson's bepefs or otherwise.除此以外与尼克尔森先生的信仰或其他方面有关的任何其他动机,该公司都予以驳斥。

6.Let's put these common myths, exaggerations and outright pes about premature ejaculation to bed once and for all!让我们一次性解决关于早泄引发的误区、夸大及彻底的谎言吧。

7.With manufacturers and retailers unwilpng to play by the rules, Shenzhen authorities may feel pke an outright ban is the only option left.由于生产商和经销商不愿遵守相关规则,深圳当局或许觉得直接发布禁令是唯一的选择。

8.Outright fraud aside, most SOE managers do not know what their real profits are, and tell their superiors what they want to hear.大多数的国有企业管理者并不知道他们真正的利润是多少,他们只是告诉监管者想听到的数据。

9.Both countries have corruption in India than China, the greater need seems to be also to look inwards rather than as outright competitors.印度的贪污情况比中国还严重,他们似乎更需要整理自己国家内部矛盾而不是在外寻找竞争对手。

10.Kate outright laughed at the look he gave her and leaned up to his ear whispering her reasoning's.凯特彻底嘲笑他给她看到他靠在她的耳边耳语推理的。