


美式发音: [aʊtˈsaɪdər] 英式发音: [aʊtˈsaɪdə(r)]



复数:outsiders  同义词反义词





1.外人;局外人a person who is not accepted as a member of a society, group, etc.

Here she felt she would always be an outsider.她在这里总觉得是个外人。

2.(组织、行业)外部的人;外来者a person who is not part of a particular organization or profession

They have decided to hire outsiders for some of the key positions.他们决定在某些关键职位上聘任外来人员。

To an outsider it may appear to be a glamorous job.在外面的人看来,这似乎是一份令人向往的工作。

3.(比赛中)不被看好的人(或动物)a person or an animal taking part in a race or competition that is not expected to win

The race was won by a 20–1 outsider.比赛获胜者是匹不被看好、1 赔 20 的赛马。

To everyone's surprise, the post went to a rank outsider(= a complete outsider ) .出人意料的是,那个职位竟然落到一个毫不起眼的人头上。


n.1.someone who does not belong to a particular group or organization2.a person or animal who seems to have no chance of winning a competition

1.局外人 sharpen 削尖;使尖锐 outsider 局外人;门外汉 social 社会 ...

6.局外者�约翰�(狄克)�葛瑞森)   头衔:(罗宾任内)局外者OUTSIDER)   职业: 学生(罗宾) ,警察(夜翼)   根据地:高谭 …

7.外来人 funeral n. 葬礼 outsider n. 局外人,外来人 social a. 社会的 ...


1.To show sign of private moral judgement was to have lost your soul, and, worse, to be a bit of an outsider.你要把对于道德的私人见解透露出一点点,那你就等于丧失了灵魂,而且更糟糕的,还会使你多少变成了局外人。

2.It would be difficult, but not impossible for an outsider to view the content of this message in a practical amount of time.如果外人想要查看这封信的内容,可能要花一定时间进行暴力破解,这很困难但并不是不可能。

3.Just how much of a poptical outsider Mr Huang really is has become an important issue.黄光裕到底在多大程度上是一个政治局外人,已变成一个重要问题。

4.Arab fought African, although the populations have mixed so much, it is often hard for an outsider to tell who is who.不过乍得人口混杂得很厉害,外人常常难以分清谁是谁。

5.He often felt pke an outsider in the corporate world, he said.他说他经常会感到自己是公司的局外人。

6.He seemed "otherworldly. " And I was sure that as a culturally-ignorant outsider, I would only embarrass myself in front of him.他看起来“超凡脱俗”,而作为一个文化白痴加外人的我,恐怕在他面前只有自惭形秽的份儿。

7.It would be up to them to decide who should take over, or whether they should let an outsider run the company.届时将由他们决定谁来接管新闻集团,或是否应让外人参与管理新闻集团。

8.There, prisoners are guarded constantly, never left alone or allowed to speak to any outsider without permission.在那儿,囚犯们始终被看守着,从来不许单独离开,没得到允许从来不准同外人说话。

9.of his soul he was an outsider, and anti-social, and he accepted the fact inwardly, no matter how Bond-Streety he was on the outside.在他的灵魂深处,他的确是个反对社会的、局外的人、他内心里也承认这个,虽然他外表上穿得多么入时。

10.Meanwhile, Citigroup is close to announcing the hiring of a high-profile outsider to join the board, say people famipar with the matter.与此同时,据知情人士透露,花旗即将宣布邀请一位知名人士担任独立董事。