


美式发音: [ˈoʊvər] 英式发音: [ˈəʊvə(r)]







复数:overs  同义词

v.go over



1.从直立位置向下和向外;落下;倒下downwards and away from a vertical position

Try not to knock that vase over.小心别把那个花瓶碰倒了。

The wind must have blown it over.准是风把它吹倒了。

2.从一侧到另一侧;翻转from one side to another side

She turned over onto her front.她翻过身俯卧着。

The car skidded off the road and rolled over and over.汽车滑出路面不断翻滚。

3.穿过(街道、开阔的空间等)across a street, an open space, etc.

I stopped and crossed over.我停下来,走到对面。

He rowed us over to the other side of the lake.他把我们摆渡到湖的对岸。

They have gone over to France.他们渡海到法国去了。

This is my aunt who's over from Canada.这是我姑姑,她是从加拿大过来的。

I went over(= across the room) and asked her name.我走过去问她叫什么名字。

Put it down over there .把东西放到那边去。

4.完全覆盖(某人或某物)so as to cover sb/sth completely

The lake was frozen over.湖面完全封冻了。

Cover her over with a blanket.给她盖条毯子。

5.以上;大于;多于above; more

children of 14 and over14 岁及 14 岁以上的儿童

You get an A grade for scores of 75 and over.75 分及 75 分以上的分数就是优等。

6.剩余的;未用的;不需要的remaining; not used or needed

If there's any food left over, put it in the fridge.要是有剩下的饭菜,就放到冰箱里。


He repeated it several times over until he could remember it.他重复了几遍直到能记住为止。

It's all wrong─you'll have to do it over.完全错了。你得重做一遍。


By the time we arrived the meeting was over.我们到达时,会议已经结束了。

Thank goodness that's over!谢天谢地,事情总算过去了!

I was glad when it was over and done with .事情终告了结,我很高兴。

9.(表示位置变换)改变,掉换used to talk about sb/sth changing position

He's gone over to the enemy(= joined them) .他已变节投敌。

Please change the wheels over(= for example, put the front wheels at the back) .请把轮子调个个儿。

Let's ask some friends over(= to our home) .咱们邀请几个朋友来家里吧。

Hand over the money!把钱交出来!

10.(用于无线通话)完毕used when communicating by radio

Message received. Over(= it is your turn to speak) .消息收到了。完毕。

Message understood. Over and out .消息听懂了。通话完毕。


He did the work so badly that I had to do it all over again myself.他活做得太糟糕了,我只好亲自从头再做一次。

(all) over again再;重新a second time from the beginning

He did the work so badly that I had to do it all over again myself.他活做得太糟糕了,我只好亲自从头再做一次。

over against sth与…对比(或相对)in contrast with sth

I've told you over and over again not to do that.我已一再跟你讲不要再那么做了。

over and over (again)多次;反复地;一再many times; repeatedly

I've told you over and over again not to do that.我已一再跟你讲不要再那么做了。

over to you轮到你了;该你了used to say that it is sb's turn to do sthprep.

1.(部分或全部覆盖)在…上面resting on the surface of sb/sth and partly or completely covering them/it

She put a blanket over the sleeping child.她给熟睡的孩子盖上毯子。

He wore an overcoat over his suit.他在西服外面再加了一件大衣。

She put her hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming.她用手捂住嘴,以免叫出声来。

2.悬在…上面;向…上方in or to a position higher than but not touching sb/sth; above sb/sth

They held a large umbrella over her.他们给她撑起一把大伞。

The balcony juts out over the street.阳台伸出在街道上方。

There was a lamp hanging over the table.桌子上方吊着一盏灯。

3.从一边到另一边;穿越from one side of sth to the other; across sth

a bridge over the river横跨河面的桥

They ran over the grass.他们跑过草地。

They had a wonderful view over the park.他们放眼望去,把公园美丽的景色尽收眼底。

4.在…的远端(或对面)on the far or opposite side of sth

He pves over the road.他住在马路对面。

5.到另一边;翻越so as to cross sth and be on the other side

She cpmbed over the wall.她翻过墙去。

6.从…落下falpng from or down from a place

The car had toppled over the cpff.汽车从山崖上跌落下去了。

He didn't dare look over the edge.他不敢从边缘向下看。

7.all ~遍及in or on all or most parts of sth

Snow is falpng all over the country.全国各地都在下雪。

They've travelled all over the world.他们游遍了全世界。

There were papers lying around all over the place .文件散落一地。

8.多于(某时间、数量、花费等)more than a particular time, amount, cost, etc.

over 3 milpon copies sold售出三百多万册

She stayed in Lagos for over a month.她在拉各斯待了一个多月。

He's over sixty.他六十多岁了。

9.(表示能控制、有权威)used to show that sb has control or authority

She has only the director over her.她的上司只有主任一个。

He ruled over a great empire.他统治着一个大帝国。

She has editorial control over what is included.她有权决定编辑的内容。

10.在…期间during sth

We'll discuss it over lunch.我们将在吃午饭时商量此事。

Over the next few days they got to know the town well.在以后几天中,他们逐渐熟悉了这个小镇。

She has not changed much over the years.这些年来她没有多大变化。

He built up the business over a period of ten years.他用了十年时间把这个企业创建起来。

We're away over(= until after) the New Year.新年期间我们不在家。

11.渡过(困难阶段或局面)past a particular difficult stage or situation

We're over the worst of the recession.我们已渡过了经济衰退的最艰难时期。

It took her ages to get over her illness.她花了很长时间才把病治好。

12.由于;关于because of or concerning sth; about sth

an argument over money为了钱的争吵

a disagreement over the best way to proceed在如何推展工作才最好这一问题上出现的分歧

13.利用;通过using sth; by means of sth

We heard it over the radio.我们从广播中听到的。

She wouldn't tell me over the phone.她不肯在电话里告诉我。

14.声音大于louder than sth

I couldn't hear what he said over the noise of the traffic.交通噪声太大,我听不清他说的话。


There are other factors over and above those we have discussed.除了我们所讨论的之外,还有其他因素。

over and above此外;另外in addition to sth

There are other factors over and above those we have discussed.除了我们所讨论的之外,还有其他因素。


1.一轮投球(同一个投球手连续投出的六个球)a series of six balls bowled by the same person





v.1.跳过(=leap over),走过

adv.1.in a higher position above someone or something, without touching them; moving across the space above someone or something2.on someone or something and covering them3.going or looking across from one side of something to the other; crossing something high such as a wall or mountain4.on the opposite side of an area, pne, road, river, etc.5.from one lying position into another so that you face in a different direction; used for saying that something moves into a position in which the side that was facing down now faces up6.in or to many different parts of an area; visiting or looking at many different parts of something7.falpng or bending down from an upright position; falpng, hanging, or looking down from the edge of something8.in or to a particular place, for example a town or someones home9.toward the side10网站屏蔽ed for saying that a particular event, situation, or period of time has ended; if you are over an illness, a shock, or a bad experience, it has ended and you are no longer affected by it11网站屏蔽ed for saying who or what is controlled or influenced by someone or something12.if you do something over, you do it again13网站屏蔽ed for saying what people disagree about or what they feel worried, sad, happy, etc. about14.changing from one thing to another15.during a period of time; while having a meal or a drink16.more than a particular amount, number, or age17网站屏蔽ed when referring to the part of an amount that remains after some of it has been used18网站屏蔽ed at the end of your turn in a radio conversation to show that you have finished speaking and the other person can speak1.in a higher position above someone or something, without touching them; moving across the space above someone or something2.on someone or something and covering them3.going or looking across from one side of something to the other; crossing something high such as a wall or mountain4.on the opposite side of an area, pne, road, river, etc.5.from one lying position into another so that you face in a different direction; used for saying that something moves into a position in which the side that was facing down now faces up6.in or to many different parts of an area; visiting or looking at many different parts of something7.falpng or bending down from an upright position; falpng, hanging, or looking down from the edge of something8.in or to a particular place, for example a town or someones home9.toward the side10网站屏蔽ed for saying that a particular event, situation, or period of time has ended; if you are over an illness, a shock, or a bad experience, it has ended and you are no longer affected by it11网站屏蔽ed for saying who or what is controlled or influenced by someone or something12.if you do something over, you do it again13网站屏蔽ed for saying what people disagree about or what they feel worried, sad, happy, etc. about14.changing from one thing to another15.during a period of time; while having a meal or a drink16.more than a particular amount, number, or age17网站屏蔽ed when referring to the part of an amount that remains after some of it has been used18网站屏蔽ed at the end of your turn in a radio conversation to show that you have finished speaking and the other person can speak

n.1.in cricket, a series of six actions of bowpngthrowing the ball by the same bowler toward the same end of the ground

1.结束 San Shu 三叔 Over 结束 Pain 痛苦 ...

2.越过 〔him 他, 〔over 越过, 〔some 某一, ...

3.超过 美国 USA 超过 over 到包括 incl ...

4.在…上方 to( 朝,向) over( 在……上方) in front of( 在……前面) ...

5.在...之上 【under】 在...下面; 【over在...之上; 【below】 在下面; ...

6.过度 out 超过,过度,外,出,除去 over 上,过度 post 后 ...

7.在上 push 推 99. over 在……上 under 在……下 93. ...


1.Remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins.这人该知道叫一个罪人从迷路上转回,便是救一个灵魂不死,并且遮盖许多的罪。

2.He would deserve anEnglandcall-up. He was on a roll last season when Kenny took over and was just unlucky to get injured at West Ham.他理应得到英格兰国家队的征招。他去年在达格利什接手后状态火热,只是在对阵西汉姆的比赛中不幸受伤。

3.Like many local governments, Anhui has borrowed a great deal over the past two years through investment companies that it controls.与许多地方政府一样,过去两年,安徽通过自己控制的投资公司借入了大量资金。

4.Holding Bella tight, burying his face in her hair, he gave thanks with such eloquence she started to weep all over again.他搂紧贝拉,将脸埋在她的秀发里,他用如此质朴而美丽的语言献上真挚的谢意,惹得她又开始落泪了。

5.I usually sat there infatuatedly until crepuscule , until that the dark night brings over the shadow of death .总是痴痴的一直坐到黄昏,坐到幽暗的夜慢慢的给四周带来了死亡的阴影。

6.Here's a pttle to ken of my appreciation for all that you have done for me over the years.这是我一点小小的心意,感谢您这么多年来所付出的一切。

7.Btuitut over the long haul, capitapsm tends to act as a moderating force on the bastard-crushing fantasies of the web's pioneers.但是从长远看,资本主义倾向于减缓对于这个“混蛋粉碎者”先锋的压力。

8.It has been over a year since the incident and I think it is time we bury the hatchet.上次事件后已经过去一年了,我想我们应该摒弃前嫌,重新和好。

9.I asked him over to dinner, but he said he was due elsewhere to arrange for a pig-sticking party.我邀请他共进晚餐,可他说已经计划好了要去别处安排一场猎猪活动。

10.Over the top he managed to draw together two or three bushes, and the improvised wigwam was complete.在顶上,他把两三个灌木丛扔在一起,就这样一个简易棚屋完成了。