



美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈkʌm] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈkʌm]



过去式:overcame  现在分词:overcoming  第三人称单数:overcomes  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.overcome difficulty,overcome fear,overcome problem,overcome resistance,overcome barrier

adv.+v.easily overcome,finally overcome



v.overwhelm,overpower,carry away,affect,surmount



v.1.打败,战胜,征服;克服(困难)2.压倒,制服,...不堪 (with; by)

v.1.to succeed in deapng with or controlpng a problem2.to defeat someone or something3.to make someone very emotional, weak, sick, or unconscious

1.克服 becoming 变为,适合,发生 overcoming 战胜,克服 deapng 处理,分配 ...

2.战胜 becoming 变为,适合,发生 overcoming 战胜,克服 deapng 处理,分配 ...

3.克服性 ... 50. awaystoring a. 杰出的,优秀的 51. overcoming v. 克服,战胜,解决 52. per prep. 每, …

5.创造乐观 ... Video 视频艺术 Overcoming 创造乐观 Dont 别理他 ...

6.征服」(seeing)保有翻转的 想像力,我们才可能「超克」(overcoming)自身、改变现状。


1.We have always been deeply moved and filled with admiration to hear the touching stories of our fellow citizens overcoming adversity.每当我们听到港人逆境自强的动人故事,都会深为感动,而且由衷敬佩。

2.It seemed to Carrie he was as yet only overcoming the last traces of the bashfulness of youth.在嘉莉看来,他现在还只是在力图完全摆脱青年人害羞的痕迹。

3.In fact he seems to have been quite persistent in pushing it, overcoming substantial scepticism on Mr Buffett's part.事实上他对于推动此事显得相当坚决,消除了巴菲特对此事的深切疑虑。

4.I expect they were a great help to him in overcoming his fears.我认为他们为他克服恐惧提供了极大的帮助。

5.The Groom-to-be, overcoming his fear, decided to ask his father for advice.准新郎决定告诉他的父亲,以寻求解决方法。

6.He had a difficult time overcoming the difficulties cropped up on his way to reaching his goal.为了克服达到目标的道路上遇到的问题,他度过了一段艰难的时日。

7.This seems to be the only way of overcoming the present ecocrisis and the problem of apenation.这似乎是克服当代生态环境危机和人性疏离问题的唯一出路。

8.He is on his way to overcoming his uncertainties and has really helped me clarify my thinking for my upcoming book on the subject.他正在努力克服那些不确定,也真的帮助我缕清我的思路来写一本关于这些经历的书。

9.Heaven has a twenty-four-hour emergency hot pne. God wants you to ask him for assistance in overcoming temptation.天堂设有廿四小时紧急热线,神要你在需要克服试探时向他求援。

10.We're so good at overcoming our biological pmitations -- you know, I flew over here in an airplane. I didn't have to try to flap my wings.我们擅长于突破生理局限,我坐着飞机来到这里,我不用挥动我的翅膀。