



美式发音: [ˈoʊvərˌleɪ] 英式发音: [ˈəʊv(r)əˌleɪ]




过去式:overlaid  第三人称单数:overlays  现在分词:overlaying  同义词


v.cover,coat,put over,drape,shroud



1.~ sth (with sth)覆盖;包;铺;镀to put sth on top of a surface so as to cover it completely; to lie on top of a surface

wood overlaid with gold包金木

2.~ sth (with sth)(尤指以感情或品质)撒满,遮掩to add sth, especially a feeling or quality, to sth else so that it seems to cover it

The place was overlaid with memories of his childhood.这个地方处处都装点着他童年的回忆。


1.套图透明膜;上衬a transparent sheet with drawings, figures, etc. on it that can be placed on top of another sheet in order to change it

An overlay showing population can be placed on top of the map.可以在地图上加一层显示人口的透明膜。

2.覆盖物;涂层a thing that is laid on top of or covers sth else

an overlay of fibreglass insulation玻璃纤维绝缘层




v.1.to cover the surface of something with a thin layer of a substance, especially for decoration; to put one thing on top of another, so that they both show2.if a sound, taste, smell, or feeling is overlaid with another one, enough of the other one is added to be noticeable3.The past tense of overlie

n.1.a thin layer of a substance that has been applied to a surface, especially for decoration; a set of extra features that are added to a picture, for example by using a computer2.a noticeable amount of a sound, taste, smell, or feeling that is added to another

na.1.The past tense of overlie


6.覆盖物说明: 删除地图上所有的覆盖物(overlays)对象。 参数: 无 返回值: 说明:如果返回值为 0,表示操作正确,如果非 0,则表 …


1.It's like looking at an air photo, and bringing all the factors together, with interpretive overlays to guide the design.这就象是在看一幅航空影像,集合了所有的因素,并利用各种解释图层来指导设计过程。

2.While that may be a simplification of the system, it's essentially how it works, bet when you spot overlays, hold back when you don't.那可能一系统的简化在的时候,基本上是它工作怎样,打赌你弄脏什么时候涂上,退缩你不。

3.Support for storage key: allows you to reduce the number of outages associated with memory overlays inside the AIX kernel.支持存储键:可以减少与AIX内核中的内存覆盖相关的许多停机。

4.Fire up The Gimp or your image manipulation tool of choice and combine the overlays you downloaded for your area.启动TheGimp或您选用的图像处理工具,并与下载的您所在地区的覆盖图结合。

5.The extra information then overlays a part of the running program and causes the runtime to execute instructions that it should not execute.那么多出的信息会覆盖正在运行的程序的一部分,导致运行时执行本不应该执行的指令。

6.His color, and I see other artists like this, looks just like color overlays in digital.他的颜色,我见过其他这样的画家,看起来象是用数字绘画覆盖上的颜色。

7.XUL makes it easy to extend user interfaces in this way using what are called overlays.XUL通过提供称为覆盖(overlay)的方式可以轻松地对用户界面进行扩展。

8.Marriage itself is a legal fiction that overlays spiritual commitment with a governmental system.婚姻本身是一个法律上的虚构,用一个政治系统掩盖了灵魂的约定。

9.Nylon webbing overlays gives you the durability and style that you want for your outdoor adventures.尼龙织带覆盖给你,你想要为你的户外探险的耐久性和风格。

10.As for an idol, a craftsman casts it, and a goldsmith overlays it with gold and fashions silver chains for it.偶像是匠人铸造,银匠用金包裹,为它铸造银链。