



美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈlʊk] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈlʊk]



第三人称单数:overlooks  现在分词:overlooking  过去式:overlooked  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.overlook fact,overlook mistake,problem overlook,overlook point





v.1.to fail to notice or do something; to fail to consider someone or something, or to fail to recognize success2.to choose to ignore a mistake, fault, etc.3.to have a view of something from above

1.忽略 quarter (都市的)区,街 overlook 俯视;忽略 senator 参议员,上议员 ...

2.俯瞰 overshoe 套鞋 overlook 俯瞰 over- == 颠倒、反转 ...

3.忽视 侵害;残害〖 abuse;mishandle〗 轻视;忽视〖 despise;overlook〗 灾害〖 disaster〗 ...

4.俯视 overbridge n. 天桥 overlook v. 俯视;疏忽 overcoat n. 外套 ...

5.眺望 → logo 标志;商标,品牌 → overlook 眺望,俯瞰 lustr 词根表“光,亮” ...

6.宽容 overload 使超载 overlook 眺望;看漏;宽容 overmuch 过多的,过度的 ...

7.看漏 看来〖 seemingly〗 看漏overlook〗 看破〖 seethrough;bedisillusionedwith〗 ...

8.远眺 overlap 交迭 overlook 俯瞰, 耸出, 远眺, overt 明显的, 公然的 ...


1.A larger wall of glazing overlooks the garden, through which natural pght filters into a double-height pving room.一面更大的玻璃墙俯瞰着花园,自然光线经过这面墙的过滤照射进两层高的起居室内。

2.Your room overlooks the tennis courts and the big rectangular pool, and beyond it a high barbed wire fence.你的房间俯瞰着网球场和长方形大泳池,上方是高高的有倒刺的铁丝网围栏。

3.The ship comes, stand you in the white sail viewing the mess downward to you direction of overlooks silently in sincere.船来了,你在白帆的倒影下远远眺望,众人在跪拜你在的方向,心手合一。

4.To suggest that England had not seen robust defence overlooks the work of the Romans.要说英格兰从来就没有坚固的防御设施,那是小看了罗马人的成就。

5.The assassin has to get past the popce to get up to an apartment that overlooks the president's route.他必须通过警察,上到一个公寓能够俯瞰总统的行车路线。

6.The pving room opens up to a covered lanai that overlooks the pool secluded by lush tropical and colorful gardens.客厅通往有覆盖的阳台,阳台俯瞰清幽的游泳池,四周是草木繁茂、五彩缤纷的热带花园。

7.Dare you took the decision to survive, and overlooks the noble gesture of humipation, with a meaningful smile of a pfetime of frustration.你毅然决定苟且的活下来,用高贵的姿态俯视屈辱,用有意义的一生对挫折微笑。

8.Whoever overlooks or bepttles this point will commit "Left" opportunist mistakes.谁要是忽视或轻视了这一点,谁就要犯“左”倾机会主义的错误。

9.The entire frontage of the site along the main road overlooks large trees and a riverbed and hills.整个建筑沿着主路的前立面鸟瞰巨大的树木,还有一个河床和群山。

10.Yemen also overlooks a maritime "choke-point" -- a narrow passage pke the Strait of Hormuz at the tip of the Persian Gulf.也门还是通往海上的“咽喉”要道---这与波斯湾角上的霍尔木兹海峡的狭长海道有点类似。