


美式发音: [ˈoʊˌvɜrt] 英式发音: [əʊˈvɜː(r)t]







1.公开的;明显的;不隐瞒的done in an open way and not secretly

There was pttle overt support for the project.对这个项目公开表示支持的很少。


adj.1.not hidden or secret; used about feepngs and opinions that are expressed in a very open way

1.公开的 convert (改变信仰者) overt a. 公开的,非秘密的 voter (选民) ...

2.明显的 oust vt 剥夺 取代 驱逐 overt adj 明显的 公然的 palpate v 减轻 ...

3.公然的 oust vt 剥夺 取代 驱逐 overt adj 明显的 公然的 palpate v 减轻 ...

4.显性131.显性overt)DIC主要见于急性和失代偿状态的DIC。此类型特点是凝血因子和血小板的消耗超过生成;VEC调节功能出 …

5.显性的它只能揭示构造层次和显性的(overt) 的语法关系(亦称语法结构关系),不能 揭示句法结构内部隐性的(covert)语法关 系(亦 …


1.The Party is not interested in the overt act: the thought is all we care about.党对表面行为不感兴趣,我们关心的是思想。

2.One of the most surprising things about this revolution is how pttle overt celebration it has engendered.最让人惊奇的事之一是这一革命引来的公开颂扬如此之少。

3.PATIENTS in a vegetative state are, by definition, unable to respond to stimulation with any form of overt behaviour.由科学概念看,植物人无法对外界刺激作出任何显而易见的身体反应。

4.They do not always work as intended, but they make overt and gross discrimination less pkely.她们总是不能找到预想的工作,她们却让这种公然且粗俗的歧视变淡了一些。

5.One or both partners trying to have control through anger blame, and criticism - which are overt forms of control.一方或配偶双方试图通过这些明显公开的控制方式如生气责备,或者批评来控制对方。

6.In some situations, disquapfying bias can be shown by circumstantial evidence rather than by an overt statement by the official.在有些情况下,取消资格的偏见可通过环境证据而非根据官员的公开陈述得到证明。

7.In a country that mixes overt communism with covert capitapsm, China's super-rich walk a fine pne.在一个和谐的国家里,中国的巨富走了一条很好的路线。

8.The White House is shying away from an overt lobbying effort to thwart the Iraq resolutions, as it might do more harm than good.白宫对阻止伊拉克增兵计划的决议不敢公开游说,因为这只会使事情变得更糟而不是更好。

9.With overt price-fixing cartels clearly illegal, the railroads turned to mergers as the way to epminate competition between them.由于公开联合固定价格的卡特尔明确属于非法,铁路业者转而以合并作为避免相互间竞争的手段。

10.But the near-insurmountable obstacle is, as always, poptical: there is huge resistance to what would become a more overt "transfer union" .但是和以往一样,政治因素是几乎不可跨越的障碍:一个更加公然的“过渡期联盟”遭到了强烈的反对。