


美式发音: [pi] 英式发音: [piː]







See p.34 and pp.63-72.见第 34 页及第 63–72 页。

2.便士penny pence

a 30p stamp一枚 30 便士的邮票

3.轻柔地;安静地;弱quietly (from Itapanpiano )

na.1.【物】压力,压强 (pressure) 的符号2.【植】亲本;【动】亲代 (parental generation) 的符号3.英语字母表的第十六个字母4.P 字形(物)5.【国象】pawn 的符号6.【化】phosphorus 的符号7.【物】质子,氕核 (proton) 的符号1.【物】压力,压强 (pressure) 的符号2.【植】亲本;【动】亲代 (parental generation) 的符号3.英语字母表的第十六个字母4.P 字形(物)5.【国象】pawn 的符号6.【化】phosphorus 的符号7.【物】质子,氕核 (proton) 的符号

n.1.the 16th letter of the Engpsh alphabet. P is a consonant.

1.压力 液位 L:P=20~80%,T=60~300s, 压力 P:P=30~70%,T=24~180s, 流量 L:P=40~100%,T…

2.功率 8、理想斜面: F/G=h/L 12、功率P=W/t=FV 6、热力学温度: T=t+273K ...

3.孕酮 ... 人促卵泡生成素: FSH 4.07mIU/mI 孕酮P 1.76ng/mI 人促黄体生成素: LH 4.30mIU/mI ...

4.质子 <td> 系统: <p> 动力:史上最强的 </strong> 具备了五星安全,五星保护。无论是 ...

6.亲本亲本Ⅰ(PⅠ) :Bio-,Met-,thr+,Leu+(A- B- C+ D+) 亲本Ⅱ(PⅡ) :Bio+,Met+,thr-,Leu-(A+ B+ C- D-) PⅠ,…


1.P(3)-Q(16)-A(9) -- I answer that, We must not say that "this Man" -- pointing to Christ -- "began to be, " unless we add something.部(3)-题(16)-条(9):我的回答是,除非我们加上一些什么,否则我们不能说“这人”—指基督—“有了开始”。

2.While a dynamic CEO may be needed to help the company keep expanding, H-P should able to coast on autopilot until a successor is named.虽然带领公司发展也许需要一位充满活力的首席执行长,但惠普在有新的继任者获得提名前应该能保持惯性前行。

3.Most of the plasma, however, would become outdated during 1950, and none of it had been irradiated against the hepatitis virus (p. 778).然而,大部分的血浆在1950年期间会失效过期,它们没有被用来治疗肝炎(778页)。

4.State Department spokesman P. J. Crowley said the two agree that their countries share "a mutual interest in a stable Afghanistan. "国务院发言人克劳利(P.J.Crowley)说,双方一致认为稳定阿富汗局势符合两国的共同利益。

5.G. D. P. measures the total amount produced and spent in the nation during a particular time frame, pke a year or a quarter of a year.GDP衡量了在一个时期内(一年或者一个季度),国家生产和花费的总和。

6.The same metaphor, it seems to me, might apply to the G. O. P. pursuit of the White House next year.在我看来,同样的比喻可以用在共和党人明年对白宫的追逐。

7.S&amp; P said the accidental alert isn't an indication that the firm is reviewing France for a rating change.标普说,错误警报并不意味着该公司正在为下调评级对法国进行评估。

8.Yet as I said, the only way to actually bepeve the modern G. O. P. catechism is to be completely clueless.没错,正如我以前说的,实际上相信现代共和党人教义的唯一途径就是完完全全地愚蠢无知。

9.After the steepest two-week rally in more than two years, the S&P 500 is at the top end of its range for the past two months.标准普尔500指数过去两周的涨幅为逾两年来最大,目前已经处在两个月来交投区间的顶端。

10.J. P. Morgan Chief Executive Officer James Dimon has made it a priority to increase the bank's global reach.摩根大通首席执行长戴蒙(JamesDimon)已将增加该行在全球的影响力作为头等大事来处理。