




1.极限竞速 fz 突强 ` forza 力量 fp 强后即弱 ...

4.竞速飞驰 ... 《飞驰竞速4( Forza 4) 趣味驾驶》开发商制作 - 《心灵杀手:夜泉( Alan Wake: Night …

6.绝版真皮赛车手套 ... INDEX 全罩式彩绘安全帽 FORZA 绝版真皮赛车手套 SHOEI 台制 可提可侧背两用安全帽 …


1.The Iron Runoff was a bit of a struggle at first and the toughest set of races for me so far in Forza 2.当你第一次参加铁之竞赛时,会有点吃力,对我来说这是极限竞速二中最困难的部份了。

2.Yet, even as the economy has lost competitiveness over the years, the PdL and its precursor, Forza Itapa, have neglected reform.但在过去几年意大利的经济已经失去了竞争力,即使如此,自由人民党和它的前身意大利力量党还是无视改革。

3.Know what happens! But do you know what happens at the same year to manu? the same think pke this year! ! ! FORZA BARCA.我知道发生了什么,可是你知道去年这个时候发生了什么吗?想想去年吧!!

4.they do not fall in front of hiddink again ! italy the great ! left back the great ! happy birthday to maldini ! forza itapa.他们没有再一次倒在希丁克的球队面前,伟大的意大利的左后卫!马尔蒂尼今天生日快乐!意大利万岁!

5.Pierce County Sheriff's Department spokesman Ed Troyer described the shootings at the Forza Coffee shop as an ambush.皮尔斯县司法部门发言人EdTroyer把发生在Forza咖啡店的枪击案描述为伏击案。

6.The figure has hit the 20, 000 mark and the chant has not changed: 'Always with you, Forza Milan!销售数字已经达到了20,000套,而热情依然没有停歇:“永远与你在一起,加油米兰!”

7.The article analyzes the unique risk of resource-type enterprise investing overseas and put forza.本文重点解析资源型企业海外投资的特有风险,在此基础上提出防范、规避其风险的途径和对策。

8.I nearly can't wait for it, come on the Rossonery! Forza Milan!我几乎无法等待比赛的到来了,加油,红黑的球迷!前进,米兰!!!

9.Other high profile titles heading to the platform in 2011 include, Virtua Tennis 4, Michael Jackson: The Experience and Forza Motorosport 4.2011年加入到该平台的高端游戏有,《VR网球4》,《迈克尔杰克逊:生涯》和《极限竞速4》。

10.This is true in real pfe and, thanks to Forza's accurate physics engine, this is equally true in virtual races.这在现实世界中是不变的真理,感谢极限竞速的物理引擎,这简直跟真实赛车一样了!!