


美式发音: [fred] 英式发音: [fred]





1.弗雷德 Frankpn 富兰克林 Fred 弗瑞德 Gabriel 加百利 ...

3.佛瑞德玩家扮演佛瑞德Fred),根据不同选择会引发不同的事件和结局。   在游戏中,分别可以与7名女性角色发生恋情。


5.列德佛列德Fred):成立於1936年,主营珠宝、顶级珠宝及腕表。 夏慕(Chaumet):成立於1780年,主营珠宝、顶级珠宝及腕 …

6.费雷德世界旅 游组织专家费雷德(Fred)曾走访了我国 14 个旅游城市,考察了各地 112 家高星 级酒店, 认为我国大部分旅游高星级酒 …

7.快恢复外延二极管(Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diode)快恢复外延型二极管介绍 快恢复外延型二极管介绍 FAST RECOVERY EPITAXIAL DIODE (FRED) CONFIDENTIAL 1 Power fo…

8.福瑞德福瑞德(fred) + 5 + 5 漂亮漂亮~~ 第一张图的小宝宝好可爱啊 挺热闹的 欣赏欣赏^_^ 看的可爱的孩子没几个啊 英雄本色 + 10 + 10


1."Your mum said the shop's going well, " said Harry. "Said Fred and George have got a real flair for business. "“你妈妈说小店生意不错,”哈利说,“还说弗雷德和乔治挺有生意头脑的。”

2.PushingHermione ahead of him with Ron, Harry stooped to seize Fred's body under the armpits.他把赫敏推上前,让她和罗恩一起走,自己俯身拽住弗雷德的胳肢窝。

3.Fred's thought reminded me of the ancient Greeks - they measured a person's wealth not by how much he owned but by how much he gave away.弗洛德的思想让我想起了古希腊人,他们评判一个人的财富标准并不是看他拥有的多少而是在于他给予的多少。

4.Within a week, by pure coincidence (or was it? ), three people mentioned to me that they knew Fred.不到一周,完全巧合(真的是吗?),有三个人向我提起他们认识弗莱德。

5.As Fred dashed down the hall to the master switch, he ran into the surprised custodian, who was just beginning to wash the floor.当福瑞跌跌撞撞来到大厅的总开关处,他的闯入把管理员吓了一跳,他正要准备拖地板。

6.Today Fred said he has no intention of slowing down - and plans to visit the moon.弗雷德称,他并无计划放缓旅行的步伐,如今他的最新计划是去月球。

7.My only connection with Fred Stone was that I saw him in the The Wizard of Oz around the beginning of the century.我与弗雷德·斯通的唯一联系是,大概在世纪初吧,我看过他在《绿野仙踪》中的表演。

8.Fred : Well, you know that Zed and Zoe have been having a bit of an up and down time recently? Well. . .弗莱德:唔,你知道柴德和柔伊最近的状况时好时坏?

9.If you want a comparison, then I suppose you could say I resemble the early Amoroso , or perhaps Lyon striker Fred.如果你想要一个比较,我想你会说我是以前的阿莫鲁索,或者是里昂的射手弗雷德。

10.Sir Fred's sex pfe is funny, suggests the Sun, with the front-page banner headpne: "Fred the Bed" .弗雷德爵士的性生活很有趣,太阳报说,他们使用的首页标题是:“弗雷德的床”。