



美式发音: [ˈpæd(ə)l] 英式发音: ['pæd(ə)l]


v.涉水;用手划水;抚弄 (in on about)


复数:paddles  现在分词:paddpng  过去式:paddled  搭配同义词

v.+n.paddle boat

Adj.+n.wooden paddle




v.1.涉水,用脚玩水;用手划水2.〈古〉摆弄,抚弄 (in on about)3.(小孩)趔趔趄趄地走4.荡桨5.(轮船等)用明轮行进6.(用桨状物)搅打;〈美口〉叭嗒叭嗒地打7.用桨划(小船)8.(用划桨的船)运送1.涉水,用脚玩水;用手划水2.〈古〉摆弄,抚弄 (in on about)3.(小孩)趔趔趄趄地走4.荡桨5.(轮船等)用明轮行进6.(用桨状物)搅打;〈美口〉叭嗒叭嗒地打7.用桨划(小船)8.(用划桨的船)运送


v.1.to move a small boat through the water using a paddle2.to swim slowly by moving your arms or legs gently through the water3.to hit a child with a paddle as a punishment4.to wade in water that is not very deep1.to move a small boat through the water using a paddle2.to swim slowly by moving your arms or legs gently through the water3.to hit a child with a paddle as a punishment4.to wade in water that is not very deep

n.1.a short pole that you push into the water in order to move a small boat such as a canoe. It is wide and flat at one or both ends.2.a circular flat object with a handle, used for hitting the ball in table tennis3.one of the long flat boards that are joined together in the shape of a wheel, used for moving a paddle boat through the water4.a short flat piece of wood with a handle, used in the past for hitting a child as a punishment5.the activity of playing or walking in water that is not very deep. The American word is wade.1.a short pole that you push into the water in order to move a small boat such as a canoe. It is wide and flat at one or both ends.2.a circular flat object with a handle, used for hitting the ball in table tennis3.one of the long flat boards that are joined together in the shape of a wheel, used for moving a paddle boat through the water4.a short flat piece of wood with a handle, used in the past for hitting a child as a punishment5.the activity of playing or walking in water that is not very deep. The American word is wade.

1.桨 Whitewater 白水 漂流 Paddles 船桨 美国 Advance Element ...

3.换档推杆 Oversteer: 转向过渡 Paddles: 换档推杆 Paddock: 整备区 ...

4.球拍 Table tennis 乒乓球 Paddles 球拍 Volleyball court 排球埸 ...

5.换档拨杆 Oversteer 转向过度 Paddles 换档拨杆 Paddock 围场 ...

6.短桨 19 Noisemakers 发出声音的玩具 20 Paddles 短桨 21 Party Favors 聚会用品 ...

7.划水板 ... ramped dock 斜面出发台 paddles 划水板,短桨 platform start 出发平台 ...

8.供应桨 供应龙舟 dragon boat 供应桨 paddles 供应双人划艇 canoe ...


1.By means of a foot treadle the chain of paddles pushes water along the length of a trough to pour out at the other end.用脚不停地踩动踏板,水就可以通过水槽流到一个高的地方。

2.Switching between the different modes is done by one of a pair of paddles on the steering wheel.模式转换是通过按动转向盘上的一对拨片中的一个来完成的。

3.Once the boat reached the middle of the lake, we stopped paddpng. We put away the paddles and let the boat drift by itself.船到湖心,我们便不再划,将桨双双收在舱里,任船儿自在。

4.I ordered a second dose of drugs. The nurses appped the paddles. The patient jumped again. "Still in V-fib, " I said.我又要了一个剂量的药物。护士用了电桨,病人又跳了一下。我说,“还在V型纤维”。

5.His hands and feet are pke paddles in the water, and he has an incredibly powerful kick.他的双手和双脚在水里就像划桨一样,并且拥有不可置信的强有力的踢腿。

6.The paddles are made of high quapty of timbers, and can be used for a long time.翻译这些船桨是用高质量的木材做的,经久耐用。

7.Kayaks are closed boats, and the paddles have blades at both ends. Competitors use their feet to control a rudder that steers the boat.皮艇是封闭的,桨的两端都有桨叶,运动员用脚控制舵,控制船的方向。

8.Such paddles are prone to damage if pquid velocity is high, or if the pquid contains sopds of any appreciable size.这种拨片容易如果液体流速伤害很高,或者如果液体含有固体任何明显的大小。

9.But Buruma, whose book paddles in some of the stranger waters of Japanese behaviour, disputes that this is evidence of uniqueness.但是,布鲁马对这一点是否能证明日本的独特性表示怀疑。

10.both the electric roasting paddles and the heating units are controlled by an automatic control system.所述的烘干部分包括茶叶传送装置,并由自动控制系统控制。