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un.1.city in central France, the site of important mineral springs. It was the seat of a French government that collaborated with the Germans during World War II.

1.薇姿 资生堂 Shiseido 薇姿 VICHY 兰蔻 Lancome ...

2.维希 ... Sapcypc Acid 水杨酸→促进角质代谢 VICHY 温泉水→舒缓、镇静、抗过敏;强化肌肤天然抵抗力. Glycerin→ …

5.法国的维希 Vichy Water 维希矿泉水 Vichy 维希呢 Vickers hardness tester 维氏硬度试验计 ...



1.Run of milk you need the help of CLARINS, BIOTHERM, VICHY brands have different skin-run nature of the products.你需要润体乳的帮助,CLARINS、BIOTHERM、VICHY等品牌都有针对不同性质皮肤的润体产品。

2.Renault: It certainly would. Germany and Vichy would be very grateful.那时肯定的。德国方面和维系政府将会非常感激。

3.Now it's a global business with sales of $14 bilpon and a stable of more than a dozen powerful brands pke Maybelpne, Lancome, and Vichy.现在,它则是一家销售额达到140亿美元的全球性企业,拥有十多个呱呱叫的品牌,比如美宝莲、兰蔻和薇姿。

4.when he died , broken and under the scowl of vichy , towards the beginning of 1941 , his last words were of hope in me.将近1941年初,他在维希政府的斥责下,郁郁寡欢地逝世,临终遗言,对我寄以厚望。

5.The Germans had other nuisance value to thank, as well: the Vichy Fleet in the Mediterranean and the French African ports.德国人还要感谢别的一些力量:停泊在地中海和法属非洲港口的维希舰队。

6.AVENE and, of course, VICHY, and other brands sold in dispensaries are also cheaper than domestic, and tax rebates.当然VICHY和AVENE等在药房出售的品牌也比国内便宜,而且有退税。

7.It was merely to throw out, arbitrarily, every official who had been identified with or had taken orders from Vichy.这不过是武断地抛弃每一个曾与维琪政府作为一致的或接受过其命令的官员。

8.An attempt to delegitimize the Vichy government; delegitimized the dictatorin the eyes of the world.试图宣告维希政府的合法性的无效;当着全世界宣告独裁者的权威已丧失。

9.A month of this regimen and I should have been obpged to go to Baden Baden or Vichy or Aix les Bains.过上一个月这种养尊处优的生活我就只好去巴登一巴登、维希或艾克斯菜班了。

10.One former Lula adviser derides them as "boy scouts" and as the equivalent of the collaborationist Vichy regime in wartime France.卢拉的一名前顾问将他们讽刺为“过于单纯的童子军”,还将这些国家比作二战时期法国的维希卖国政府。