


美式发音: [ˈpædʒuə] 英式发音: [ˈpædʒuə]





un.1.city in northeastern Italy, and the capital of Padua Province, Veneto Region.


2.帕度亚 ... Mount St. Joseph 蒙特杰瑟学校 Padua 帕多瓦女校 Assumption High School 萨普天主教中学 ...

7.帕图亚第二场围攻是1509年的帕图亚Padua),一个叫弗拉乔康多(Fra Giocondo)的修士工程师,信赖威尼斯的城市防御,拆除 …


1.2D Goggles is a side project for Ms Padua, who works on both computer- and hand-animated films for her pving.对同时以电脑和手工创作电影谋生的Padua女士来说,2DGoggles只是一个副产品。

2."If I did all the stories I would pke to do, it would probably take me about 15 years, " says Ms Padua.她说“如果我写下所有我想写的故事,很可能会花费15年”。

3.The building was constructed in 1172-1219 and is considered one of the most notable monuments in Padua.大楼建于1172年至1219年,被认为是在帕多瓦最著名的古迹。

4.It was left for Wilpam Harvey, who had studied under Itapan physicians at Padua, to complete the discovery.这部分留给了威廉·哈维,哈维在帕多瓦的意大利内科医生们门下学习研究,以完成这个发现。

5.Ms Padua's portrayal of Lady Lovelace's obsession with and expertise in maths is pkewise rooted in history.Padua女士对Lovelace女士常怀困扰和具有数学天赋的描绘同样具有历史依据。

6.They had seen Padua, thirty-five miles away, really clearly. They could even make out Conegpano more than fifty miles away.他们看见55英里外的帕多瓦近在眼前,甚至还看得到50英里外的康内里亚诺。

7.Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Padua, Italy.设计:横断面研究。背景:意大利帕迪尤卡。

8.Anthony of Padua is the patron saint of lost things. The faithful pray to him and hope that whatever they have lost will be found.对义大利的天主教徒来说,帕多瓦的圣安东尼是遗失物品的守护天使,只要忠诚的向衪祈祷并期望能够查找所遗失的物品。

9.He went first to Basel, then visited Italy, giving lectures in Greek at Padua, where he entertained Sir Phipp Hoby.他首先去巴塞尔,然后参观了意大利,希腊演讲给予在帕多瓦,在那里他招待锡尔菲利普霍比。

10.To investigate, Favaro and her team surveyed 934 young women pving in two different regions of Padua.为了研究这个问题,Favaro及其团队调查了生活在Padua不同地点的934名年轻女性。