



美式发音: [peɪl] 英式发音: [peɪl]



复数:pails  同义词




n.1.an open metal or plastic container with a handle, used for carrying liquid and soft substances such as sand or earth; the things in a pail, or the amount that a pail contains

1.提桶 210041 脱靴器 Boot jacks 210023 提桶 Pails 210023 提桶 Pails ...

2.详细 ... PEIS 详细 PAILS 详细 NBI 详细 ...

3.芳烃化合物键词:黄河三角洲:湿地;PAHs:分布;来源 多环芳烃化合物PAils)是指含有2个以上苯环的碳氢化合物,它广泛存在于 …


1."We feel the printed pails help to reinforce the sense of a strong family brand, " said Fraser Key.“我们觉得印刷水桶有助于加强责任感一个强大的品牌家族表示,”弗雷泽关键。

2."We have used white pails for several of our products for a number of years, " comments Fraser Key.“我们已经用白色的桶装好我们的产品了若干年,”意见弗雷泽的关键。

3.Production manager Samuel Bernstein grabs one of the three fire pails. . . but the fire is already spreading.生产经理塞缪尔·伯恩斯坦一把抓来全部三只消防桶中的一只,但火势已蔓延开来

4.Sealant and adhesive manufacturer Bond It has adopted RPC Containers Oakham's customizable pails for its ready-mixed tile adhesive.密封剂和胶粘剂制造商债券它通过其预拌瓷砖粘结剂的RPC容器奥克姆的定制桶。

5.In Beijing my wife bought a pair of pails , big, cheap and handsomely made.我的妻子在北京买了一对制造精美,又大又便宜的提桶。

6.Then it seemed to take forever to come to a rolling boil and twice forever to fill six wooden pails.接着看起来它们永远烧不开了,而接下来更花了两倍的时间装满六个木桶。

7.me: We use those pails to clean the bathroom. Seriously you want the mushrooms grow from a log full of sterilant ?我:那些桶子是拿来洗浴室的。妳真的想要香菇长在充满清洁剂的木头上吗?。

8.Half an hour later, we exit the beach parking lot with the trunk of the car loaded with Chinese shovels, pails, trowels, and buckets.半小时后,我们离开海滩的停车场时,车的后备厢里装满了中国的铁锹、水桶、铲子和小木桶。

9.The "robust, convenient and attractive" pails are injection moulded in polypropylene and then printed in colourful graphics.在“强大的,方便和有吸引力的”水桶是聚丙烯注射成型,然后在彩色图像印刷。

10.Jellison's group is conducting experiments on BSFs of various sizes, including systems that fit inside two- and five-gallon plastic pails.杰里森团队在不同大小的净水器里做实验,包括可以容纳2~5加仑的塑料桶中。