



美式发音: [ɪnˈʃʊrər] 英式发音: [ɪnˈʃʊərə(r)]



复数:insurers  搭配同义词

adj.+n.british insurer,french insurer,German insurer,japanese insurer




n.1.a person or company that sells insurance

1.保险公司、有关政府机构(host government)、保险公司insurers)、租赁公司(leasing company)、信用评级公司(ratings)。

2.保险合约的承保人urance contract), 被保人亦即是原保险合约的承保人(insurers), 要证明他在原保险合约下对被保险人(assured)的索赔负有法律 …

3.保险机构问 东道国政府(host government) 保险机构insurers) 1.项目发起人 项目发起人(project sponsor)是项目的倡导者和投 …

4.保险人会保险(socialized insurance),而不是社会医疗(socialized medicine)。加拿大共有11个保险人(insurers) (10省,2地方由中央 …


1.I had my suspicions that the course was as much to reassure our insurers as it was about safety.我个人怀疑这些课程更像是给保险公司的保证,因为这和安全有关。

2.It is often seen as going against the economic interests of insurers.人们通常认为,医疗改革与保险公司的经济利益是互相抵触的。

3.Step four would be the downgrading of the monoline insurers, which do not deserve the AAA rating on which their business depends.第四步是债券保险公司评级被下调,它们没有资格获得其业务所依赖的AAA等级。

4.How much money would now be available to the insurers, and which would be beneficiaries, remains unclear.目前还不清楚财政部将向这些保险公司提供多少资金,也不清楚哪些公司将成为受益者。

5.As it bulks up in financial services, that may give Britain's largest supermarket chain an edge over traditional insurers.随着他们金融服务业务的膨胀,这给了英国最大的超市连锁店超越传统保险公司的优势。

6.Insurers will see the heaviest regulations, with new rules that dictate how much they can reap in profit and whom they must cover.新法案对保险公司的监管将达到史无前例的程度,法案对它们能赚多少钱以及必须接受谁的投保都做出了强制规定。

7.Insurers and company lawyers are arguing about up to what point the money was insured.保险业者和公司律师正在就现金承保的最低限额争论不休。

8.He said his center had to turn away three or four patients for every one accepted because insurers would not pay.他说他们的研究中心已经因为保险公司拒付而转走了三至四位患者。

9.The insurers weren't prepared to compensate him for loss of earnings, so he had to leave it at that.保险商不准备为他的收入损失作补偿,因此,他只好就此作罢。

10.It is often the case that the car insurers in Singapore count on a guide called BOLA which stands for Barometer of Liability Agreement.这是常有的事,汽车保险公司在新加坡指望导游叫打,代表的晴雨表责任协议。