



美式发音: [ˈpeɪnˌkɪlər] 英式发音: [ˈpeɪnˌkɪlə]



复数:painkillers  同义词




n.1.[Medical & Healthcare]something, especially a drug, that reduces pain

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1.An inquiry is under way, but state media said the leaked chemical was phosgene, used to make pesticides, painkillers and antibiotics.事故原因正在调查中,官方透露泄漏化学物品为三光气,主要用于杀虫剂、止痛药及抗生素的制造。

2.The adverse effects of the painkillers showed up in the Danish women, but not in a statistically significant way among the Finnish group.止痛剂的副作用发生在丹麦妇女身上,但在芬兰群体上统计资料还不够显著。

3.For most of history, abortion has been a dangerous procedure a woman attempted to perform on herself. In private. Without painkillers.在历史上的大多数时候,堕胎一直是一件危险的事情,而且女性总是自己尝试,在私下里进行,没有止痛药。

4.Dr. Kermit Gosnell was also charged with murder in the death of a woman who suffered an overdose of painkillers while awaiting an abortion.博士克米特戈斯内尔还被指控与一名女子谁遭受了止痛药过量而死亡的谋杀等待堕胎。

5.Said it was the tooth fairy. So he's obviously whacked out on painkillers.他说是牙仙。显然他吃止疼药致幻了。

6.Her hypothesis is that this sensitive and erogenous area is one of natures natural painkillers for childbirth.她的假说是这一敏感的性感知区域是天然的分娩止痛药。

7.Already, he said, a dire shortage of drugs had driven them to carry out surgery on people dosed with painkillers, but not anaesthetic.他说,医院已经出现的严重药物紧缺迫使他们使用止痛药而非麻醉药来进行手术。

8.Less than half of American cancer patients receive adequate painkillers, according to the American Pain Foundation, another pressure-group.据另一压力集团美国疼痛基金会(AmericanPainFoundation)的调查,一半以上的美国癌症患者没有足够的止痛药。

9.Doctors say that when headaches occur, symptoms can be quickly repeved by taking non-steroidal painkillers and muscle relaxants.医师表示,发生这种情形时,只要服用不含类固醇的止痛药与肌肉松弛剂,头痛症状即可获得改善。

10.Authorities are investigating allegations that the 50-year-old Jackson had been consuming painkillers, sedatives and antidepressants.当局正在对50岁的杰克逊服用过止痛药,镇静剂以及抗抑郁药的言论展开调查。