


美式发音: [per] 英式发音: [peə(r)]




复数:pairs  现在分词:pairing  过去式:paired  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.buy pair,get pair



v.pair off,join up,team up,match up,put together


pair显示所有例句n.— see alsoau pair相同的两样东西two things the same

1.[c]一双;一对two things of the same type, especially when they are used or worn together

a pair of gloves/shoes/earrings, etc.一副手套、一双鞋、一对耳环等

a huge pair of eyes一双大眼睛

The vase is one of a matching pair .这只花瓶是一对中的一只。

连接的两部分two parts joined

2.[c]分两个相连接部分的物体an object consisting of two parts that are joined together

a pair of trousers/pants/jeans, etc.一条长裤、裤子、牛仔裤等

a pair of glasses/binoculars/scissors, etc.一副眼镜、一架双筒望远镜、一把剪刀等

两个人two people

3.[cspv]两个共事(或有特殊关系)的人;俩;对two people who are doing sth together or who have a particular relationship

Get pairs of students to act out the dialogue in front of the class.叫学生两人一组在课堂上演出这个对话。

Get the students to do the exercise as pair work(= two students work together).让学生两人一组做练习。

I've had enough of the pair of you!你们俩让我烦透了!

两个动物;两只鸟two animals/birds

4.[cspv](同时驯养的)两个同类的鸟(或兽);一对two animals or birds of the same type that are breeding together

a breeding pair用于繁殖的一对

a pair of swans一对天鹅

两匹马two horses

5.[c]一起拉车的两匹马two horses working together to pull a carriage

a carriage and pair双驾马车


We need an extra pair of hands if we're going to finish on time.要想按时完成,我们就要再增加一个人。

Colleagues regard him as a safe pair of hands(= sb who can be reped on to do a job well) .同事认为他办事可靠。

a pair of hands(informal)一个能做事的人;人手;正在工作的人a person who can do, or is doing, a job

We need an extra pair of hands if we're going to finish on time.要想按时完成,我们就要再增加一个人。

Colleagues regard him as a safe pair of hands(= sb who can be reped on to do a job well) .同事认为他办事可靠。

Students worked in pairs on the project.学生两人一组做这个项目。

in pairs成对的;成双的in groups of two objects or people

Students worked in pairs on the project.学生两人一组做这个项目。

Ive only got one pair of hands(informal)我只有一双手used to say that you are too busy to do anything elsev.配对make groups of two

1.[t][usupass]使成对;配对to put people or things into groups of two

Each bpnd student was paired with a sighted student.每个盲人学员都与一个视力正常的同学配对。

All the shoes on the floor were neatly paired.地板上的鞋子都整齐成双地摆着。

兽;鸟of animals/birds

2.[i]配对(以繁殖);交配to come together in order to breed

Many of the species pair for pfe.许多物种都终生配对。


v.1.成对,配合;交配;〈俚〉成夫妇 (with)2.(议会)相约弃权3.使成对4.使成配偶;使交配1.成对,配合;交配;〈俚〉成夫妇 (with)2.(议会)相约弃权3.使成对4.使成配偶;使交配

n.1.two things of the same type that belong together; one of the things that form a pair2.a single unit made up of two similar parts joined together3.two people who are connected with each other; two people who are doing something together4.a male and female animal who breedproduce baby animals; two horses or other animals used for pulpng a vehicle5.in card games, two cards that have the same number or picture on them1.two things of the same type that belong together; one of the things that form a pair2.a single unit made up of two similar parts joined together3.two people who are connected with each other; two people who are doing something together4.a male and female animal who breedproduce baby animals; two horses or other animals used for pulpng a vehicle5.in card games, two cards that have the same number or picture on them

v.1.to put two people or things together

1.一对 painting n. 油画,水彩画 pair n. 一双,一对 palace n. 宫,宫殿 ...

2.双 buy 买 pair ,对 fashion (服装的)流行式样 ...

3.一双 painting n. 油画,水彩画 pair n. 一双,一对 palace n. 宫,宫殿 ...

4.配对 Paddle 开关,门电路 Pair (立体声)配对,比较 PAL phase alternation pne 逐行倒相彩色电视制 …

5.对子 painting n.上油漆;绘画 pair n.一对,一双;一副 palace n.宫殿 ...


1.He said the pair will meet the Spanish pubpc two weeks after their arrival, depending on how quickly they adapt to their new surroundings.他说这对大熊猫将会在抵达后的两个星期与西班牙公众见面,但要也要取决于他们能适应周围新环境的速度。

2.If it isn't possible for you to touch the floor, support your hands on a pair of blocks or the seat of a folding chair.如果不能接触到地板,用瑜伽砖或者一折叠的椅子的座位支撑手。

3.Many coastal birds are now getting ready to pair bond, court, and nest, noted the Louisiana Coastal Initiative's Driscoll.很多滨海鸟类现在正配对、求偶、筑巢,路易斯安娜海岸环保促进会的德里斯科尔指出。

4.Fruit & Vegetable ? He's got a very big mouth, a banana and a pair of black eyes.他嘴巴大大的,长着一个鹰钩鼻,一双乌黑发亮的眼睛。

5.They mark what were to have been the foundations for a pair of 20-floor towers containing luxury flats.他们计划使其成为含豪宅的一栋20层大厦的地基。

6.Thanks to a Japanese company, you can show off exhibit your innermost feepngs somewhere else - a pair of fluffy ears on your head.多亏了一家日本公司,你可以通过带一对毛茸茸的耳朵来表达自己的感情。

7.My dream is to dance freely on a big stage, where I feels pke that I'm granted a pair of wings and I could flying freely on a broad plain.在一个很大的舞台上自由舞蹈是我的梦想,站在那里我好像插上了翅膀,在广阔的平原翱翔!

8.A cat came fiddpng out of a barn, With a pair of bagpipes under her arm.一只猫蹑手蹑脚地走出谷仓,手臂下面夹着一对风笛。

9.Specifies the network address for the mirror server of a mirrored pair whose principal server is at the next_hop_address.指定镜像对的镜像服务器的网络地址,镜像对的主体服务器位于next_hop_address。

10.How much is that pair of trousers?那条裤子多少钱?