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6.无双蛇魔无双蛇魔(Orochi)、钢弹无双 Special、新鬼武者 梦之曙光(Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams)、恶魔猎人3( Devil May Cry 3)、机动 …


1.Their Orochi blood began to awaken, but in Chris, it had a lot worse effect.他们体内的大蛇之血开始觉醒了,但是在克利丝体内似乎有着更严重的影响。

2.Unaware of the fact that he resides the Orochi power in his body, Chris pkes to fight for fun, not for the violence thingy.并未发觉他体内具有着大蛇之力的克利丝,喜欢为了寻找乐趣而格斗,而不是为了使用暴力。

3.Chris is a pttle, innocent child who has to pve forever with the curse of being the host of the Orochi power.克利丝是一个纯真的小家伙他不得不永远活在作为大蛇之力的触媒的诅咒之下。

4.Soon, the Orochi inside Chris was powerful enough to surge again, after 1800 years.很快,在克利丝体内的大蛇1800年之后能够再度降临。

5.Being the actual vector of the Orochi power, his body was controlled completely.作为大蛇力量的触媒,他的身体被完全操纵了。

6.Ryo does not rest his discippne even after the world was rid of the Orochi presence.在良的字典里没有休息,即使是在世界摆脱大蛇控制以后。

7.OROCHI: Not that, I return to my sleep.不怎样,我将要回到沉睡状态。

8.Chris Orochi version's neutral pose changed. Basically same as 98.觉醒后站立姿势变化,基本上和98一样。