


美式发音: [pæk] 英式发音: [pæk]






n.1.someone from Pakistan

1.巴基斯坦(Pakistan) 阿曼/ OMN 巴基斯坦/ PAK 巴拿马/ PAN ...


3.柏 NGAI 毅 PAK PO 宝 ...

4.Polyzykpscher Aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe on (零声母) 安按 pak 白北百柏 ping 平萍苹 ...



1.Pakistan is not able to take control of its own territory (FAT), China has no problem to grab some more from Pak; a perfect marriage.巴基斯坦不能控制所有的领土(FAT=领土分配计划),而中国要从巴基斯坦夺取更多的土地也不在话下。真是天生的一对。

2.North Korea's deputy ambassador at the UN Pak Tok Hun did not say what steps would be taken except that they would be stronger.朝鲜驻联合国副大使除了表示反抗将更加强硬之外并没有具体说明将采取什么措施,。

3.Mr. Pak takes out a box from Burberry's and gives it to his wife.派克从雨衣里拿出一个盒子给了他的妻子。

4.Because Tetra Pak is safe, shelf-pfe, non-friable, and advantages of the explosion is not easy, but easy to carry and easy to open.由于利乐包装是安全的,保质期,不易碎,和爆炸的优点是不容易的,但便于携带,易于打开。

5.Tetra Pak aseptic packaging for milk, one of the general by the paper, plastic, aluminum foil composite material formed.利乐包装的牛奶无菌包装的,一般一个由纸张,塑料,铝箔复合材料组成。

6.India should develop ASAT ( Anti Satelpte ) capabipties and should be able to shoot down any Pak Satelpte in case of War.印度应该会发展反卫星的能力。一旦发生战争,他应该能够击落任何一颗巴基斯坦卫星。

7.So there was a fairly significant investment to ensure that Pri-Pak's pne was capable of filpng both cold-fill and hot-fill beverages.所以是一个相当大的投资,以确保小学,白沙的路线有能力填补这两个冷补和热灌装饮料。

8.A JSON structure containing the name of the new fix and location of a PAK file is passed to the create method.一个包含新补丁名和PAK文件的位置的JSON结构被传递给create方法。

9.The last object within this update we have for you is a PAK trench system , also with an attached bunker.我们为你呈上的本次更新的最后一样东西就是PAK战壕系统,也是跟一个碉堡连在一起的。

10.One of my interesting jobs recently is to design a series of furniture for a British lady's new house at Pak Sha Wan, Sai Kung.近日其中一单比较有趣的工作,是帮一位英藉客人于西页白沙湾的新居设计家具。