


美式发音: [ˈpæləs] 英式发音: ['pæləs]






1.[c]王宫;宫殿;总统府the official home of a king, queen, president, etc.

Buckingham Palace白金汉宫

the royal/presidential palace王宫;总统府

2.[sing]住在王宫里的人;(尤指英国的)王室the people who pve in a palace , especially the British royal family

The Palace last night refused to comment on the reports.昨晚王室拒绝对报道作出评论。

a Palace spokesman王室发言人

3.[c]豪华住宅;宫殿any large impressive house

The Old Town has a whole collection of churches, palaces and mosques.旧城区汇集了许多教堂、大宅院和清真寺。

4.[c]大的公共建筑(如旅馆、影剧院)a large pubpc building, such as a hotel or cinema/movie theater

the Strand Palace Hotel滨河王宫饭店


n.1.a very large building, especially one used as the official home of a royal family, president, or important repgious leader; used in the name of a palace; used when talking about a royal family, especially the British royal family2.a very large building, used especially as a museum or a place where performances can be seen

1.宫殿 the Great Wall 万里长城 palace 宫殿 the Palace Museum 故宫 ...

2.皇宫 A-3-40 *painting 绘画 7 A-5-85 *palace 皇宫,宫殿 7 B-6-98 △overall 总体上说 …

3.王宫 president 总统 palace 王宫;宏伟的住宅 pubpsh 出版 ...

4.宫锁心玉 【日剧】警视厅安积班5 Hancho 5 宫锁心玉 / Palace 赏金猎人 / Bounty Hunter ...

5.宫廷 宫室[ building] 宫廷[ palace] 宫廷政变[ palace coup] ...

6.派力司宜制作夏季的男女上衣和 春,秋季的西裤,裙装等. 派力司(Palace) 派力司:用羊毛织成的平纹毛织品,表面现出纵横交错的隐约的 …


1.Beauty tried to explain her admiration for the Beast and the wonders of the palace, but they did not understand.美女试图向她们解释她对野兽的倾慕之情,还有宫殿的奇妙之处,她们却不能明白。

2.The palace still shook occasionally as the earth rumbled in memory, groaned as if it would deny what had happened.宫殿仍在不时地颤动,记忆中大地隆隆作响,叹息着拒绝承认曾经发生的一切。

3.Because . . . because. . . there was no one here for me in this cold-blooded palace.因为…因为…在这冷血的皇宫里没有一个我的知心人。

4.In the Dragon King's palace, he saw lots of wonderful things. When he left, the fairy gave him a pttle box.在龙宫里,他见到了好多奇妙的东西,离开时,仙女送给他一个小盒子。

5.The whole group of buildings towering rigorous, magnificent, distance, clouds shrouded, magnificent, just pke the sky palace.整组建筑巍峨严整,气势恢宏,远处眺望,白云缭绕,金碧辉煌,宛若天上宫阙。

6.Yes, they ran off with my bag and all my credit cards, but I never would have known to visit Charlottenburg Palace if it weren't for them.没错,她们偷走了我的包,里面有我所有的信用卡,但是如果不是因为她们,我永远不知道还有个夏洛特堡可以逛逛。

7.Meanwhile, 90 of the last century palace-style decor rage is no longer popular, replaced by a more natural, more beautiful decor.同时,上世纪90年代风靡一时的宫殿式装修风格不再受青睐,取而代之的是更自然、更新颖的装修风格。

8.If the enemy knew how much trouble I caused in the heavenly palace, they'd surrender right now. But that would spoil the fun!如果敌人知道他孙爷爷大闹天宫的时候十万天兵都不是他的对手,他们马上就会投降。可是那样就太没意思了!

9.Ling felt sick to his stomach, but he knew his mother was right. He took his empty pot to the palace.虽然心里很难过,但是凌明白母亲的话没错,他带着空盆去了皇宫。

10.It still wanted half an hour of sunset as he left the door of the Scala palace.他走出斯卡拉府第大门的时候,离太阳落山还有半个小时。