


美式发音: [ˌæbɪˈdʒɑn] 英式发音: [ˌæbiˈdʒɑ:n]





un.1.cultural and commercial capital of the Côte d'Ivoire, in the southeastern part of the country.

1.阿比让 vila 维拉港 Abidjan 阿比让 Addis Ababa 亚的斯亚贝巴 ...

2.阿必尚 喀他基那 Cartagena 阿必尚 Abidjan 比雷埃夫斯 Piraeus ...

3.科特迪瓦 Tanjung Priok 丹戎不碌 印尼 Abidjan 阿比让 科特迪瓦 Accra 阿克拉 加 …

4.象牙海岸 SANTOS 桑托斯,巴西 ABIDJAN 阿比让,象牙海岸 MONTEVIDEO 蒙德维的亚,乌拉圭 ...

5.比尚虽然在阿比尚Abidjan)的异议媒体遭到审查,所以暴力场面罕见于传统媒体,但是部份片段正在互联网上流传。以下的片段 …

6.科特迪瓦阿比让科特迪瓦阿比让(Abidjan)(原象牙海岸),街头小贩向来往车辆推销玫瑰花束。(ISSOUF SANOGO/AFP/Getty Images)北京, …

7.阿比尚我於1983年12月8日,由象牙海岸的阿比尚(Abidjan)直飞阿姆斯特丹,独自一人在该地逛了两天,看橱窗女郎是参加饭店night tour的 …

8.象牙海岸阿必尚 西非国防首长今天齐聚象牙海岸阿必尚Abidjan),讨论「增加」非洲派往马利部队的兵力,以支援法军和马利政府军对当地 …


1.He said that the money was meant for estabpshing a branch of his business in Abidjan - Ivory Coast.他说这些钱是他在科特迪瓦的阿比让的一项工程的预留款。

2.The company's internal emails show the true nature of the toxic waste dumped around Abidjan, the capital of Ivory Coast.该公司的内部邮件显示了倾倒在科特迪瓦首都阿比让周边的有毒废料的真实性质。

3.BBC reporter in Abidjan said there had been fierce clashes around the national TV station, near the presidential palace.BBC驻阿比让一名记者表示,国家电视台周围总统府附近发生了激烈的战斗。

4.As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the Bank in Abidjan where this funds was deposited.只要我收到你的回复,我将给你这笔资金所在阿比让的存款银行的联系方式。

5.Although the war does appear to be ending, the battle for Abidjan wrapping up now, there is still a mood of great uncertainty.尽管战争似乎将要结束,争夺阿比让的战斗即将结束,人们依然怀着不安的情绪。

6.The way is now open for the forces to continue south to Abidjan, less than three hours away, along the country's only major highway.目前部队继续向南前往阿比让的道路畅通无阻,沿着该国唯一的主要公路估计只需不到三个小时。

7.Mr Gbagbo has refused to leave office, while Mr Ouattara remains under UN protection in the city of Abidjan.巴博拒绝下台,目前瓦塔拉仍在阿比让,处于联合国(UN)的保护之下。

8.Fire fighters have put out a fire at the treasury in Abidjan, the main city in Ivory Coast, which destroyed many financial records.在科特迪瓦经济首都阿比让市,滚滚浓烟从金融大楼升起,消防人员已经将大火扑灭。许多财务记录被大火烧毁。

9.In Abidjan, everyone appears to be taking their president's call for reconcipation and a ban on reprisals to heart.在阿比让,每个人都似乎关注着总统和解的呼吁和禁止报复行为。

10.Now I have succeeded in locating the bank in Abidjan and also confirmed the fund is in there , most honest and confidentiapty.目前我已经找到了阿比让的银行并确定存款在那里,相当可靠并且机密。