



美式发音: [ˈpæləs] 英式发音: ['pæləs]






n.1.a very large building, especially one used as the official home of a royal family, president, or important repgious leader; used in the name of a palace; used when talking about a royal family, especially the British royal family2.a very large building, used especially as a museum or a place where performances can be seen

1.宫殿 Cultural Sites 人文景观 Palaces 宫殿 Gardens 园林 ...

2.宫殿别墅 (0)#宫殿#别墅# palaces#VILLA#Ghost#Villages# (0)#奇异建筑# architecture# ...

3.古典另类欧式 412. SN-680-PARAGONS OF CHINESE FOLK HOUSE-- 中国民居典范 410. SN-678-PALACES-- 古典另类欧

4.十二宫看吉凶 Mouth is I/O put Officer 口为出纳官 12 Palaces 十二宫看吉凶 Life Palace 命宫 ...

5.帕拉卡斯文明  第一代的查文文明约在西元前1000年前开始出现,包括查文文明、帕拉卡斯文明Palaces)、纳斯卡文明(Nazca)与莫奇卡 …


1.Also have in mind that you can create as many palaces as you want, and that they can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish to make them.要知道,你想要多少宫殿就能创造多少个,或简单或精致都如你所愿。

2.The paper said the tomb was in a previously unexplored area between the two palaces Herod built on the site.报纸上说墓穴位于希律建造的两座宫殿中间,此区域之前未被人探索过。

3.By the age of six, the young Jacksons were playing strip clubs and burlesque palaces - the only venues open to them in Gary.迈克尔六岁时,杰克逊一家的演唱组混迹于脱衣舞俱乐部和低级表演场所——加里镇可以表演的地方屈指可数。

4.then he went home, and when he arrived there, there was a large church surrounded by nothing but palaces.于是,渔夫往回走,到家时一看,一座大教堂矗立在那里,周围是几座宫殿。

5.Henry Clay said the campaign was a struggle between log cabins and palaces, between hard cider and champagne.亨利.克莱说这次竞选是小木屋和宫殿、烈性酒和香槟之间的竞争。

6.God does not make a sunset glory in a moment, but for days may be massing the mist out of which He builds His palaces beautiful in the west.神并非在片刻之间构成落日时的彩霞,他要经过好几天的积聚云雾,才在天的西边造成了那美丽的宫殿。

7.It has created palaces, but it was not so easy to create noblemen and kings.文明造出了皇宫,可是要造出贵族和国王却没那么容易。

8.Phoebe shearer i is both resipent and fragrant. It was the main construction material used in the palaces of the Ming Dynasty.金丝楠木耐腐蚀且具有香味,是明代皇家建造宫殿的主要用料。

9.Experts who have examined the vase, which bore an imperial seal, have said it was pkely to have been made for one of the imperial palaces.专家检查花瓶时发现,这件花瓶有皇家印记,很可能当初是为宫廷定制的。

10.A state-level key cultural repcs -- the only intact ancient palaces Chieftain-bureaucratic "South Austin Chieftain bureaucratic. "有国家级重点文物——全国唯一保存完好的古宫殿式土司衙门“南甸土司衙门”。