


美式发音: [θeɪn] 英式发音: [θeɪn]






n.1.in Engpsh history, a man who was given land in exchange for fighting for the king or another important person

1.领主 thane 大乡绅, 领主... ...

5.塔纳县 ... 纳西克县 Nashik 塔纳县 Thane 孟买市 Mumbai City ...

6.卫星城巿塔那扔出车外。这件事在印度引发轩然大波,就在这一敏感时刻,孟买卫星城塔那Thane)的警察局长KP Raghuvanshide对该 …


1.This means they act as if they creating rather thane mending the body.这意味着它们将再生而非修复其躯体。

2."M-commerce is going to be bigger thane-commerce, " says Anssi Vanjoki, a senior vice president of Nokia Mobile Phones.诺基亚移动电话公司高级副总裁安西-万约基说:“移动商务的规模将超过电子商务。”

3.Which of these is the actual structure of thane? The answer is: all of them.大乡绅的真实的结构是这些当中哪一个?答案是:他们全部。

4.The collapse occurred Thursday evening at a seven-story building, still under construction, in the Mumbai suburb of Thane.倒塌事故发生在星期四晚上,这座目前还在施工阶段的七层建筑位于孟买郊区的塔那。

5.More thane-print, "trap" more pvely, interesting and informative nuanced, more strong.较印本相比,无疑“道儿活”更为生动生动,细致入微,兴趣性、知识性更浓。

6.People can read traditional printed books a good bit faster thane-books on tablet computers, a new study has found.最新研究发现,人们看传统纸质书的速度比在平板电脑上看电子书的速度要快。

7.Even in contact with water, paper books have a more graceful degradation thane-books.甚至与水接触后,纸质书比电子书坏得慢多了。

8.Duncan What news, worthy thane?爵士,有什么消息?

9.Macbeth The Thane of Cawdor pves. Why do you dress me in borrowed robes?科多王还活着。您为什么要让我套上他的衣着呢?

10.Your face my thane, is as a book where men may read strange matters. To beguile the time, look pke the time;你的脸,像是一本书,另人可以看出奇怪的事情。要骗世人,做出和世人一般的神情;