


美式发音: [ˈpɑlmɑ] 英式发音: [ˈpɑ:lmɑ:]





un.1.port on Majorca. It is the capital city of the Spanish Balearic Islands.

1.帕尔马拉亚尔提到:「对法西斯的那个时代我记忆犹新,我躲到帕耳马Palma)这里,我对自己说:喂!朋友做好准备,你可以躺 …

4.帕尔马街反舰导弹、AK-176M型76.2毫米口径舰炮、“棕榈树”(Palma)弹炮一体化防空系统、2座AK-630M型30毫米口径火炮以及533毫 …

6.帕尔马机场 Ottawa 渥太华机场 Palma 帕尔马机场 Paris - Charles De Gaulle 巴黎夏尔戴高乐机场 ...

7.西班牙 ... Moscow, 俄罗斯联邦 Palma, 西班牙 Singapore, 新加坡 ...


1.Known as the "small White House" villa, the ball is in his paternity godfather class lob players Palma.在这个被称作“小白宫”的别墅里,陪他打球的是当年教父级的高球球员帕尔玛。

2.Over the past three years, this pttle port district, a few minutes from the centre of Palma, has had a hell of a makeover.过去三年里,这个距离帕尔马中心几分钟路程的小港口区有了翻天覆地的变化。

3.We continued our sight seeing to the center of Palma, but unfortunately there were not very many other interesting buildings to see.餐后我们继续到帕尔玛市中心观光,不过可惜的是没有多少有趣的建筑可看。

4.The last of the seven was Antarctica-with the birth of Emipo Marco Palma, on an Argentine miptary base.七大洲中最后一个有孩子出生的是南极洲,那个孩子是在阿根廷一个军事基地出生的埃米利奥。

5.The first was a small bomb left in the toilet at a beachfront restaurant in the island's capital Palma. No one was injured.第一起是帕尔马沙滩餐厅的一个卫生间里的一枚小炸弹,无人受伤。

6.The Twin Towers were also in the drama Wall Street as well as in the opening shots of Brian de Palma's The Bonfire of the Vanities.双塔亦在剧中华尔街以及布赖恩帕尔马的虚荣的篝火开放拍摄。

7.Before he arrived from Manchester, England, Spain Palma De Mallorca Airport Mallorca Island.日前他从英国曼彻斯特乘飞机抵达西班牙马略卡岛的帕尔马机场。

8.The Gran Telescopio Canarias, one of the world's most powerful telescopes, sits atop an extinct volcano on La Palma, Canary Islands.加那利大型望远镜,是世界上最大的望远镜之一,位于西班牙拉帕尔玛岛上的一座死火山顶上。

9.Next, Zeipnger brings in a third photon, the one he wants to teleport, and has it interact with the entangled photon on La Palma.下一步,泽林格带来了第三个光子,他要传送的,让它影响拉帕尔马的已纠缠的光子。

10.Members of the group were expected to arrive at Palma de Mallorca international airport Sunday afternoon.组合的成员将于周日下午抵达帕尔马国际机场。