




1.呆在家里 46. ride a bicycle 骑自行车 47. stay home 呆在家里 48. turn left 向左转 ...

2.待在家里 basketball 篮球 stay home 待在家里 volleyball 排球 ...

3.留在家中 13、Ture love's first kiss( 炽热的初吻) 1、Stay home留在家中) 2、I'm a bepeve( 坚信不移…

4.待家里 ... call an ambulance 叫救护车 stay home 待家里 wear helmet 戴头盔 ...

5.没出门时 ... 8.不能流利地与对方交谈时( Can’t Talk Fluently) 9.没出门时( Stay Home) 1.谈谈自己家人( About Famipes) ...

6.于是就不来了 ... stay home 原译:于是就不来了 outsiders pay about $36,000. 原译:而外国学生则平均支付三万六千美元。 ...


1.I seem to be coming down with a cold. I really think I should stay home.我好像患了感冒,我想真的要留在家里休息。

2."It was a choice that I never thought I would make, to choose to stay home, but it is a wonderful choice, " she said.“这是我从未想过会做出的选择,选择待在家里,但这是个极好的选择。”她说。

3.You know I'd prefer to stay home with you, but I have to go to work.你知道我很想和你呆在家里,但我得去上班。

4.They told him to stay home with his wife instead of going out and carousing with friends.他们告诉他待在家里陪老婆,不要与朋友出去痛饮。

5.No father was forced to stay home, but the family lost one month of subsidies if he did not.没有任何父亲被强迫要呆在家里,但是如果他不这么做,整个家庭就会丧失一个月的津贴。

6.And he's more than wilpng to do whatever it takes to make sure that his wife can stay home and that their family is taken care of.他愿意尽一切力量去确保她的妻子可以留在家中照顾他们的家。

7.I though it was just a bluff to get me to stay home from school.我想这不过是虚张声势,想让我逃课。

8.She said she had had a good mind to stay home and nurse her cold, but she came to work anyway.她要在家养病,但她还是去工作了。

9.You do not want to go out in such rotten weather. It is better for you to stay home and stretch your legs and do physical exercise.这这糟糕的天气让人不想出去,你还不如在家舒展一下筋骨,做做运动。

10.I stay home and I take care of you, cause what I make is pretty much just a joke.我留在家里照顾你,因为我所做的一切不过都是笑话。