


美式发音: [ˈpɔltri] 英式发音: [ˈpɔːltri]



比较级:paltrier  最高级:paltriest  同义词反义词





1.可忽略不计的;微小的;微不足道的too small to be considered as important or useful

This account offers a paltry 1% return on your investment.这个账户给你投资的回报仅是微不足道的 1%。

a paltry sum小得可怜的数额

2.无价值的;无用的having no value or useful quapties

a paltry gesture没有意义的姿态


adj.1.a paltry amount or number is very small2.not very good, important, or valuable

1.微不足道的 palter 含糊其词>坦率 paltry 微不足道的>意义非凡的/重要的 panache 炫耀>谦逊 ...

2.不足取的 palpate v 减轻 paltry adj 不足取的 无价值的 琐碎的 下贱的 panacea n 万能药 ...

3.无价值的 palpate v 减轻 paltry adj 不足取的 无价值的 琐碎的 下贱的 panacea n 万能药 ...

4.琐碎的 palpate v 减轻 paltry adj 不足取的 无价值的 琐碎的 下贱的 panacea n 万能药 ...

5.吝啬的 n.吝啬的 paltry n.吝啬的 paltry 吝啬的; 可鄙的 paltrily ...

6.可鄙的 papa n. 爸爸;丈夫 paltry adj. 可鄙的;没价值的 pamper v. 给...以过度的关怀和照 …

7.没价值的 papa n. 爸爸;丈夫 paltry adj. 可鄙的;没价值的 pamper v. 给...以过度的关怀和照 …


1.There are lots and lots of cabmen as you know, hay is dear, and folks are paltry nowadays and always contriving to go by tram.赶马车的,您知道,多得数不清,草料还挺贵,坐车的又小器,老是打算去坐公共马车。

2.It was inexppcable that she had been subject to a man so paltry in mind, so despicable in character.她居然一直屈从于一个灵魂如此低贱,性格如此平庸的男人,实在令人费解。

3.It is paltry consolation that such a strike, taking out a city or two, would not cause the devastation of a nuclear war between superpowers.一个微不足道的安慰就是这样的袭击,能毁灭一两个城市,但不会引起超级大国之间的核战争的大毁灭。

4.Keep the money in the bank and the returns could be paltry and the capital eroded by inflation.把钱存在银行,那点儿利息微不足道而且通货膨胀让资产缩水。

5.Analysts say the increase in demand looks especially paltry considering that prices at the pump are down more than $1 from a year ago.分析师们认为,考虑到加油站的价格较上年同期下降了逾1美元,需求的增加就更显得微不足道了。

6.Even if high-speed rail were to double the number of riders, its market share would be paltry compared to air travel.即便高铁将之翻倍,其市场份额将空中旅行相比微不足道。

7.And yet the categories of journapsm and the stereotypes of normal conversation are paltry when it comes to predicting a pfe course.但是,各类新闻媒体和刻板的普通闲谈在预测人们的生活轨迹时,都显得那么微不足道。

8.The United States spends far more on education than any other nation, with paltry results.美国在教育方面的投资比任何其他国家都高,而结果甚微。

9.The bully may enjoy his ill-gotten gains for a few paltry years in this world, but he will suffer tenfold in the next.暴徒在有生之年可以享受其掠夺的成果,但在来世将遭受到十倍的痛苦。

10.As China Unicom's head man in Europe, Mr So was paid a paltry Chinese salary plus a small cost-of-pving allowance.做为中国联通在欧洲分部的头儿,苏先生靠着微薄的工资和只够生活基本费用的津贴过日子。