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网络释义:佩格;汽车集团(Premier Automotive Group);中脑导水管周围灰质



1.佩格 Odelette 奥蒂列特 法国 声音如音乐般 Pag 佩格 拉丁 珍珠 Page 蓓姬 希腊 …

2.汽车集团(Premier Automotive Group)[详情]·旭辉圆石滩均价2…

5.佩格……珍珠 мy.!ove 林 14级 2010-02-20 Pag 佩格……珍珠 Page 蓓姬……孩子 ...


1.The first decision was to concentrate on the Ford brand and sell off the PAG businesses even if it meant taking a loss.第一个决定就是把精力集中到福特这个品牌上,然后就算亏本也要把PAG的业务出售。

2.Something of a visionary, he formed the Premier Automotive Group (PAG) as a separate part of Ford.是他异想天开地组建了高端汽车集团(PAG),作为福特集团内一个独立的部分。

3.In place of the screen used by Mr Ferlow, Mr Pag carries a centrifuge (solar powered, naturally) around with him.不同于费尔罗所用的筛子,帕格都随着携带离心机(自然是太阳能的)。

4.Eventually PAG was supposed to provide a third of the company's global profits.当时寄望PAG能最终能实现公司总利润的三分之一。

5.Indeed, some quip that PAG really stands for "Please Ask the General" .而实际上,有人讽刺说政策执行组织真正的行动准则是“请问将军”。

6."It's a bit pke Back to the Future where they put banana skins in at one end to make it fly, " said Pag, from Croydon in south London.「它有点像《回到未来》电影里,使用香蕉皮做为时光机飞行的动力来源,」来自伦敦南方柯利顿市的佩格说。

7.When a woman has sex, a part of the brain stem called the periaqueductal gray (PAG) is activated.中脑导水管周围灰质(PAG)是脑干的一部分。女性性爱时它会被激活。

8.In November, 2006, per CBRC approval , PAG held 89. 36% of SZCB shares and became the biggest shareholder of the bank.年11月,经中国银监会正式批准,中国平安集团持有深圳市商业银行89.36%的股份,成为该行最大股东。

9.Periodically check security on site, analyze reasons of accident and PAG monthly and push responsible department solve problems in time.定期组织安全审查,每月分析事故及隐患发生的原因并督促责任部门及时解决问题。

10.OpenAFS uses the Linux key retention service to implement process authentication group (PAG), and NFSv4 and MIT Kerberos use it also.OpenAFS使用Linux密钥保留服务来实现进程身份验证组(PAG),NFSv4和MITKerberos也使用它。