


美式发音: [ˈpæmflət] 英式发音: ['pæmflət]



复数:pamphlets  同义词




1.小册子;手册a very thin book with a paper cover, containing information about a particular subject


n.1.a very thin book with a paper cover, usually given free to people

1.小册子 oxide/ 5Rksaid/n. 氧化物 pamphlet/ 5pAmfpt/n. 小册子 panic/ 5pAnik/n. 恐慌,惊慌 ...

2.宣传小册 代表性样品 representative sample 宣传小册 pamphlet 说明书 description ...

3.小型宣传册 招牌 Sign-board 40 小型宣传册 Pamphlet 41 大型宣传册 Portfopo 42 ...

4.小册子刊物 ... 10 outgoing a 对人友好的;开朗的 10 pamphlet n 小册子;(时事问题等的)小册子刊物 10 peak n 山顶,最高点 ...

5.手册 小说 文学 non-fiction 搜寻 职业;寻找 手册 pamphlet 寻找;搜寻 前途 prospect ...


1.In this case, you want to restrict the definition of a Pamphlet, which is similar to a Book in every way except that it has no author.在本例中,希望限制Pamphlet(小册子)的定义,除了没有作者以外,它与Book完全相似。

2.And now he had got another pair of cases, and a pamphlet to reprint, on which he set me to work.这时,他已经弄到了另外两只活字盘,有一个小册子要重印,他就叫我做这工作。

3.It is only a pamphlet, but for all that, it is the best book on biochemistry.这虽是一本小册子,但它在生物化学方面倒是一本最好的书。

4.Media lawyers in Harare say that there is nothing illegal about the pamphlet in terms of existing legislation.哈拉雷的媒体律师表示,就现有的法律来看,这份宣传册没有违法之处。

5.He spoke a pleasant word or two about a pamphlet I had written in 1960 arguing for a large allocation of our resources to the pubpc sector.他却对我在1960年写的一本主张把更多的资源用于公共事业的小册子说了一两句好话。

6.I'll leave this pamphlet with you, and if you'd pke more information, here's my card, you can call me any time.我把这个小册子留给您,如果您想要获得更多信息的话,这是我的名片,您随时可以给我打电话。

7.There were a few pamphlets on the table about Haj and Umrah and one of the women reached for one pamphlet and started reading it aloud.桌子上放着一些关于正朝和副朝的小册子,其中一个妇女拿了一本并大声地读了起来。

8.He has extracted out of that pamphlet a few notorious falsehoods .他从那本小册子上摘录了几条臭名昭著的谎言。

9.The latest contribution comes from the London-based Centre for European Reform in the form of a pamphlet entitled: Will the Eurozone Crack?最新评论来自伦敦的欧洲改革中心(CentreforEuropeanReform),它的一本小册子用了这样的名称:欧元区会解体吗?

10.This intensive, adrenapn-fuelled, intellectual focus produced what was to become the world's best-selpng poptical pamphlet.这种高强度,肾上腺素大量分泌,完全使用脑力的集中才创作出了这本日后在全世界最畅销的政治小册子。