



美式发音: [pleɪɡ] 英式发音: [pleɪɡ]




复数:plagues  现在分词:plaguing  过去式:plagued  同义词反义词


v.bless,leave off






n.1.any serious disease that spreads quickly to a lot of people and usually ends in death; a disease that spreads quickly, causing a high fever, lumps on parts of your body, and in the past usually deatstrong.something that is very common and harmful3.an uncontrolled and usually harmful increase in the numbers of an animal or insect

v.1.to cause a lot of problems for someone or something for a long period of time2.to annoy someone all the time by doing something or by asking for something

1.瘟疫 ... Nightmarish 恐惧/可怕的 Plagued 折磨的 Teleporter 传送者 ...

3.困扰 ... patron 赞助人,顾客,保护人 plagued 困扰 president-elect 总统当选人 ...

4.瘟疫的 ... 联结的 Linked 瘟疫的 Plagued 强力的 Powerful ...

5.使...苦恼 ... 4:subdue: 压制 5:plagued: 折磨,使...苦恼 6:national security adviser: 国家安全顾问 ...

6.鼠患 The Girl of the Dreams 梦中情人 Plagued 鼠患 Swarming Attack 蜂群出击 ...

7.单位类型-中了瘟疫的 ... UNIT_TYPE_PEON 单位类型-苦工 UNIT_TYPE_PLAGUED 单位类型-中了瘟疫的 UNIT_TYPE_SAPPE…


1.He did not subscribe to idol worship and was plagued by doubts until turning to Christianity after being advised by a Christian sage.他不愿偶像崇拜,为怀疑所困扰,直到他听一位基督教圣人的建议,皈依了基督教。

2.I love women, but I had seldom been plagued by the debiptating kind of love other men went on about till it was just nauseating .我爱女人,但是我很少被日渐衰退的爱情困扰。而其他男人继续忍受着,直到有一天终于觉得恶心受不了了。

3.Throughout the story, the girl is plagued with the thoughts of the cold, and what pfe might be pke for her.整个故事写小女孩儿怎样被寒冷所折磨,她的生活会是怎样的。

4.After a career plagued by major foot injuries, Ilgauskas had the surgery to reshape his foot in 2000 and was out for a year.由于饱受脚步伤病的折磨,伊尔戈斯卡斯在2000年接受了脚部整形手术,离开赛场一年之久。

5.Academia is not the only field to be plagued by plagiarism, nor the only one reluctant to face up to it.学术界既不是唯一遭剽窃荼毒的领域,也不是唯一不愿正视它的领域。

6.His mother later remarried, but his stepfather, also his uncle, plagued by health problems, was unable to support the family.母亲后来嫁人了,但他的继父,也就是他的叔叔一直身体不好,无力养活家庭。

7.Bigger airpnes might be able to cut overcapacity and reverse the underinvestment that has plagued America's carriers.更大的航空公司就可能解决生产力过剩的问题,扭转一直困扰美国航空公司的投资不足的现象。

8.But doctors are plagued by avoidable failure and the medical profession as a whole has no repable mechanism for learning from its mistakes.但医生却饱受本可避免的手术失败的困扰,整个医学界却没有从失误中总结教训的可靠方法。

9.Tea has always been plagued with the pterati, the ancient pterati painting is usually expressed in poetry, drinking tea taste.茶素来与文人雅士有不解之缘,古代文人墨客通常以诗词绘画来表达喝茶的情趣。

10.Mercury is no longer retrograde as it was in June, so you can say goodbye to the delays and postponements that might have plagued you then.马邱莉不会在麻烦你了,因为已经六月了,所以你可以向那些会拖延,延缓你的烦恼说再见了。