




1.潘德气田 O橄榄树叶( Opeblad) P脑袋( Pande) Q牲口( Qvage) ...

3.西门子紫色电缆 三菱 MITSUBISHI 西门子紫色电缆 PANDE 奥科 AOKE ...

4.布笔供应熊猫擦拭布笔PANDE) Disney迪士尼产品批发是迪士尼产品系列授权,全力打造迪士尼产业商盟。


1.Pande said he made virtually no money working on the small farm he owned and could not find any other work close to his village.潘德说,他在老家自己的一块狭小农田里工作,根本赚不到钱。而且在他老家附近一带,也找不到其它工作。

2."Over the next 20 to 40 years, Asia is going to be the principle growth driver for the global economy, " Pande said.Pande称:“未来20-40年,亚洲将成为全球经济主要推动力。”

3.Not all software will see the sort of dramatic speed-ups that Folding@home has achieved with these alternative processors, Dr Pande admits.潘德承认,并不是所有的软件都能在这些替代处理器上,取得Folding@home所获得的这种巨大的速度提升。

4.Pande said, adding that it remains too early to say that TCS China will see any material impact from the yuan's recent strength.他还说,现在说人民币近期的走强将对TCS中国产生实质性影响还为时尚早。

5." We're not used to such a high attrition rate but that 's the way the market is , " Mr Pande said .潘德表示:“我们并不习惯如此高的流失率,但中国市场就是如此。”

6."Every large Indian company is seriously looking at Singapore" as a potential international Asian hub, says Mr Pande.潘德表示,“印度每一家大公司都在认真考虑新加坡”,视其为亚洲潜在的国际中心。

7.'It certainly impacts our margins, ' Mr. Pande said, without providing further details.潘德说,这肯定会对我们的利润率产生影响,但他没有进一步详述。

8.For example, chauffeur Pande said he wants his two children to acquire skills that will help them do better jobs than driving.例如,作为司机的潘德说,他希望他的两个孩子能学到技术,让他们找到比司机更好的工作。

9.Pande said, adding its first two projects are slated to kick off in port cities Ningbo and Guangzhou in the next 18-24 months.潘德还说,该公司的头两个这类项目定于未来18-24个月内在港口城市宁波和广州启动。

10."We could have had our HQ in India, Sydney, Hong Kong or Singapore, " says Girija Pande, head of Asia Pacific for TCS.“我们可以将总部设在印度、悉尼、香港或新加坡,”TCS亚太业务主管吉瑞加•潘德(GirijaPande)表示。