


美式发音: [pænˈdɔrə] 英式发音: [pænˈdɔ:rə]





n.1.in Greek mythology, the first woman, who was sent by the gods with a jar full of evils in order to avenge Prometheus's theft of fire.2.a small inner natural satelpte of Saturn, discovered in 1980 by Voyager 2. It is irregular in shape with a maximum dimension of 110 km (68 mi).

1.潘多拉潘多拉是个美丽女人       潘朵拉又译为潘多拉Pandora)意思为“是美丽完美女人的化身”。因潘多拉的盒子而出名,出自古希腊神 …

2.潘朵拉潘朵拉pandora),马瑞斯的最钟爱的伴侣,以黑色女神的形象登场,具有杀人不眨眼与忧郁厌世的两种矛盾气质。还是人类 …

3.潘多拉星球  潘多拉星球(Pandora):潘多拉是电影《阿凡达》虚构的一个天体,其属于阿尔法半人马星系,即阿尔法半人马星系B-4号行星…

4.潘朵拉珠宝丹麦珠宝品牌潘朵拉珠宝 (Pandora) 因打造妩媚亘永的优质珠宝风靡全球,是全球销售量第三大的珠宝品牌。潘朵拉珠宝 (Pand…

5.土卫十七土卫十七Pandora):<希腊神话>「拥有一切天赋」的女人潘多拉(Pandora),火神赫淮斯托斯(Hephaistos)依大神宙 …

6.潘多拉珠宝潘多拉珠宝(Pandora)推出新品淡水珍珠系列,蓝色淡水珍珠镶嵌在黑铑化银中,极致呈现迷人魅力与永不落时晶莹胜雪的自然 …

7.潘多拉网络电台潘多拉网络电台(Pandora)是一款非常出色的产品,但该公司未能实现持续盈利。这家在线广播公司在周三发布了强劲的2012财 …


1.Don't childish. It is all west's fault of without sticking tightly the rule and therefore opening up the Pandora box.别傻了,如果西方没有严格的遵循规则犯错的话,相当于打开的潘多拉铁盒。

2.And some of these animals are probably inspiration for the things you saw in "Avatar, " but you don't have to travel to Pandora to see them.一些动物可能会让你想起“阿凡达”的一些事物。但是你不必到潘多拉星球才能看到它们。

3."It's giving Pandora access to the two big pieces of the radio market we've never been able to reach before, " he said.“我们从没有想到,潘多拉可以把这两件东西联系起来,”他说。

4.A sense of safety surround him when he touched her mother's pandora gold ring, and hold her hand.当他的手触到母亲的手臂时,他感到自己是那么安全、那么舒坦。

5.He heard soft chuckles circulate around the room and almost got up to leave. Pandora shushed the other students.他听到教室里渐渐响起“咯咯咯”的低笑声差点就想起身离开.潘多拉对同学们说了声“嘘”。

6.I wouldn't want to pve on Pandora, mainly because of the bad air, but I'm glad to have paid it a visit.我不想住在潘多拉星上,主要是因为那里的空气不好,但通过电影我彷佛身临其境,这种感受还是很不错的。

7.It's angered China, opened a Pandora's box for a state with its own breakaway candidates, and lost its international law card.这让中国很恼火,因为这打开了这个国家分离主义的潘多拉盒子,使其失去了国际法这张牌。

8.Pandora hurried out of her bedroom and started reorganizing the neat pne of shoes by the door.潘多拉从卧室里匆忙出来,开始重新规整门边的鞋子。

9.All communist party members accept guidance from the top. Few party stalwarts would rock the boat to open a Pandora's box of new ideas.所有共产党员都接受上级的指挥,忠贞党员几乎无人会破坏现状,提出新观念而引来麻烦!

10.The favors of Government are pke the box of Pandora , with the important difference that they rarely leave hope at the bottom.政府的偏袒就象潘多拉的盒子,重要的区别是,他们很少在盒底留下希望。