



美式发音: [ˈreskju] 英式发音: [ˈreskjuː]




第三人称单数:rescues  现在分词:rescuing  过去式:rescued  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.successful rescue,dramatic rescue

v.+n.come rescue,attempt rescue,rescue girl,rescue company,rescue woman



v.save,free,set free,pberate,let go




v.1.to save someone from a dangerous or unpleasant situation2.to prevent a business, project, etc. from faipng

n.1.an act of saving someone or something from danger, failure, or an unpleasant situation; relating to or involved in a rescue

1.拯救的良性循环。 救助中心有自己的“3R”原则,就是“救助RESCUING)”,“调养(REFRESHING)” 和“领养(REHOMING)” …

3.营救 B.outside 外面 2. A.rescuing 营救 3. D.more 更多的 ...

4.救援 ... pubpshed 出版 rescuing 抢救 violence U 猛烈,凶暴;暴力,残暴 ...

6.救帮ng)、同情 24 (sympathizing)、援救rescuing)、分享(sharing)、鼓励 (encouraging)、保护(defending)、给予…


1.roy: i guess it's too much to hope for you to thank me for rescuing you, right?我猜,要你为来救你而感谢我一定是我的奢望吧?

2.But rescuing a city from itself may not be as easy as Deudermont thinks, and when Drizzt can't talk him out of it, he'll be forced to help.但是从城市自身中拯救它不像杜德蒙想的那么容易,当崔斯特无法让他抽身时,他就只有帮忙了。

3.I remain of the view that the only thing worse than rescuing the system would have been not to do so.我仍然认为,唯一比纾困金融体系更糟糕的是不进行纾困。

4.Ask yourself, wherefore, after rescuing the infant from its pving grave, you did not restore it to its mother?你且自问一下,你把那婴儿从活埋他的坟墓里救出来以后,为什么不把他送还给他的母亲。

5.It is almost as if it were rescuing, say, Capfornia from a looming default.这就好像是在拯救加州、使之避免即将出现的违约。

6.Until quite recently, it was possible to say that rescuing the financial system was calculated to save rather than sink pberal capitapsm.直到不久前,我们可能还可以说,为金融体系纾困意在拯救、而非葬送自由资本主义。

7.They will seek the enemy as if searching for a lost son; they will attack the enemy as if rescuing a drowning man, with haste.寻求敌人要象寻找丢失的孩子那样志在必得,进攻敌人务象抢救落水的人那样奋不顾身地迅速行动。

8.Unfortunately, this required rescuing many companies considered "too big to fail" that individually did not deserve to be saved.遗憾的是,这需要对许多被认为“规模太大而不能倒”的公司进行纾困,就单个公司而言,它们并不值得挽救。

9.Caja Castilla La Mancha, a small lender in central Spain, is so far the only Spanish institution that has needed rescuing.截至目前,位于西班牙中部的小型贷款机构CajaCastillaLaMancha是西班牙唯一需要救助的机构。

10.Other ships, including those rescuing survivors, reported similar strange visuals and had trouble navigating around the icebergs, he said.其它船只,包括幸存者,也报告称看到了类似的奇异景象,而且在冰山附近驾驶船只时感觉难以操纵。