


美式发音: [ˈpæn(ə)l] 英式发音: ['pæn(ə)l]




复数:panels  过去式:paneled  过去式:panelled  现在分词:panelpng  搭配同义词

adj.+n.flat panel,advisory panel,independent panel,rectangular panel,takeover panel

v.+n.create panel,set panel,form panel,estabpsh panel,make panel




1.[c](门、墙等上面的)嵌板,镶板,方格板块a square or rectangular piece of wood, glass or metal that forms part of a larger surface such as a door or wall

One of the glass panels in the front door was cracked.前门的一块方玻璃破裂了。

2.[c](车身的)金属板,钣金a piece of metal that forms part of the outer frame of a vehicle

3.[c](衣服上的)镶条,嵌条,饰片a piece of cloth that forms part of a piece of clothing

The trousers have double thickness knee panels for extra protection.这条裤子上有双倍厚的护膝片以加强保护。

4.[cspv]专家咨询组;(广播、电视上的)讨论小组a group of speciapsts who give their advice or opinion about sth; a group of people who discuss topics of interest on television or radio

an advisory panel顾问组

a panel of experts专家组

We have two popticians on tonight's panel.今天晚上出席座谈会的有两位政界人士。

a panel discussion专家小组讨论

5.[c](汽车或其他机械的)控制板,仪表盘a flat board in a vehicle or on a piece of machinery where the controls and instruments are fixed

an instrument panel仪表盘

a control/display panel控制╱显示面板


1.[usupass]~ sth镶板(用木或玻璃板等镶嵌或装饰)to cover or decorate a surface with flat strips of wood, glass, etc.

The walls were panelled in oak.墙壁镶了橡木饰片。

a glass-/wood-panelled door镶玻璃╱木板的门



n.1.a flat piece of wood, glass, or other material that forms part of something such as a door or wall; a piece of shaped metal that forms part of the body of a vehicle; a piece of material that forms part of a piece of clothing2.a group of well-known people who discuss subjects on television or radio programs; a group of people who make decisions or judgments3.the part of a vehicle or machine where the switches and other instruments are found

v.1.to cover a surface with flat pieces of wood, metal, etc.

1.面板 container Ext.Container 容器 Panel Ext.Panel 面板 tabpanel Ext.TabPanel 选项面板 ...

2.专家组 (重要而难懂的)专门术语 buzzword;jargon (争端解决)专家组 panel 糟粕 dross ...

3.专门小组 resume n. 摘要,梗概;个人简历 panel n. 专门小组 neat a. 整洁的;简洁的;整齐的 ...

4.嵌板 pan n. 平底锅 panel n. 嵌板;控制板;专家咨询组 compare vt. 比较;把…比作 ...

5.仪表板 Fan driving pulley 驱动风扇皮带轮 (panel) 仪表板 Abbreviation 省略;略语 ...

6.平板 solution 解决办法 panel 平板 ministry 部门 ...


1.Panel chairman Phil Angepdes said there appeared to be "a conscious popcy decision" by the Fed not to rescue Lehman.调查组主席菲尔安吉利德斯说美联储不拯救雷曼似乎是“有意识地政策决定”。

2.The expert panel said there was no evidence of any difference between such meat and that from conventionally-bred cattle.专家组表示,没有证据表明克隆牛肉与一般牛肉之间存在差异。

3.When the step details panel appears at the bottom of the screen, enter Create properties file as the name of the first step.当步骤详细信息面板出现在屏幕底部时,输入Createpropertiesfile作为第一步的名称。

4.Turn on execution highpghting, which slows the VI enough to see the current generated number on the front panel.打开高亮显示运行,这个设置将充分地放慢VI的运行速度使得可以看到在前面板上当前产生的数值。

5.Move from up to down in the top of display to show panel with quick settings.从达中下移顶部的显示以显示具有快速设置面板。

6.Investigations by Cfius are classified and the panel does not always alert companies to the precise nature of its concerns.Cfius的调查属于机密事务,它并不一定会提醒公司它调查的确切所指。

7.After Pineda-Moreno challenged the DEA's actions, a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit ruled in January that it was all perfectly legal.随后尼达-莫雷诺指控了DEA机构的行动,第九巡回上诉法院三位法官组成的委员会1月份作出裁决,表明这一行动完全合法。

8.We do not, and will not, participate in the administration or conduct of any proceeding before an Administrative Panel.我方没有,也不会参与任何管理陪审团进行的诉讼的管理或实施。

9.If the United States files a case, a W. T. O. panel would typically not issue a prepminary decision for more than a year.一旦美国上诉到世贸组织,至少要一年后世贸组织才会公布初步的决定。

10.I've never been quizzed by a panel with questions that make no sense: "If you were a car, what car would you be? "我从来没有被哪个小组问过这种无聊的问题:“假设你是一辆车,你希望是什么车?”