


美式发音: [ˈpænəpp] 英式发音: ['pænəpp]



复数:panoppes  同义词




1.巨大的数量(或收藏品)a large and impressive number or collection of sth


n.1.a large and impressive range of things

1.全副盔甲胄(a suit of armor)甲和胄一套称为全副盔甲(panoply)还有链甲(chain armor)和板金甲(plate armor). 一套盔甲由护盖身体(prote…

2.全副甲胄 comply 遵循 panoply 全副穿戴,全副甲胄 hurly-burly 喧闹,骚动 ...

3.代尔塔 comply 遵循 panoply 全副穿戴,全副甲胄 hurly-burly 喧闹,骚动 ...

5.全套甲胄 Prickly 多刺的 Panoply 华丽服饰,全套甲胄 Hover 盘旋 ...

6.华丽服饰 男子服饰经销店 haberdashery 华丽服饰 panoply 华丽的服饰 gaudery ...

7.礼服 magnitude 1:巨大; panoply 1:礼服; spate 1:大批,大量; ...

8.全副武装 abominate 厌恶,憎恶 panoply 全副武装 ornithology 鸟类学 ...


1.In a few months, the British royal family will be yet again rebranded and relaunched in the panoply of a wedding.再过几个月,英国王室将再次在婚礼的一些列仪式中齐聚一堂,集体亮相。

2.Then there are a whole panoply of other things that you've got to do to wrap up in this package that you're presenting to a VC. Experience.之后你还需要许多其他事情,去充实你要传递给投资人的整体形象。经验。

3.Venter's team is using chemical sequencing machines to make a panoply of genes for the highly evolved parts of a modern microbe.文特尔研究组用化学测序仪器确定现代微生物高度进化部分的全套基因组。

4.Only when those things were done was the body of Cardinal Lustiger carried inside the cathedral, where Cathopc panoply took over.当这些全部完成后他的尸体才被抬入教堂,在那里被穿戴上全部天主教式的服装。

5.RM: It's about new alpances and broken alpances among the panoply of our characters within the rag tag fleet and without.关于新的联盟,还有在舰队及不在舰队里的角色们的联盟破裂。

6.Petrochemicals also provide the building blocks for a vast panoply of plastics and foams.石油也为积木提供了多种多样的塑料和泡沫。

7.The idea of rights, he says, evolved most notably in Europe, though it took a long time for a full panoply of rights to take hold.福山说,权利的观念,在欧洲发展得最为显著,不过也是经过很长一段时间才发展成为一整套完整的权利法则的。

8.Something for Mr Kloppers to consider as he mulls over the $290m paid to BHP's panoply of high-octane advisers over the past 18 months.在高瑞思反思过去18个月支付给必和必拓牛气十足的庞大顾问团队的2.9亿美元时,这是他要考虑的。

9.a portrait of the general in full panoply.身着盛装的将军的肖像

10.Further complexities come from the panoply of choices the departing and remaining states would make after the fall.离开或尚在的欧元区的国家会做决定,做决定造成的假象只使形势更加复杂。