



美式发音: [rɪɡ] 英式发音: [rɪɡ]



网络释义:重复序列诱导的基因沉默(repeat-induced gene silencing);放射免疫导向手术(Radio Immuno-guided Surgery);石油钻井

复数:rigs  现在分词:rigging  过去式:rigged  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.rotary rig

v.+n.rig drill


v.fix,engineer,arrange,improvise,fix up




1.~ sth(以不正当的手段)操纵,控制to arrange or influence sth in a dishonest way in order to get the result that you want

He said the election had been rigged.他说选举被人操纵了。

to rig the market(= to cause an artificial rise or fall in prices, in order to make a profit)操纵市场

2.~ sth (with sth)(给船只)装帆,提供索具to provide a ship or boat with ropes, sails, etc.; to fit the sails, etc. in position

3.~ sth (up) (with sth)(秘密地)安装,装配to fit equipment somewhere, sometimes secretly

The pghts had been rigged (up) but not yet tested.灯已经装好了,但还没有经过测试。

The car had been rigged with about 300 lbs of explosive.有人暗中在车上放了大约 300 磅炸药。


1.钻机a large piece of equipment that is used for taking oil or gas from the ground or the bottom of the sea

an oil rig石油钻机

2.帆装(船桅和风帆等的安装模式)the way that the masts and sails on a boat, etc. are arranged

3.(informal)大卡车;大货车a large lorry/truck

4.有专门用途的设备equipment that is used for a special purpose

a CB radio rig民用波段无线电设备


v.1.用不正当手段操纵,控制;(为欺骗目的而)事先决定[安排];〈口〉欺骗2.【航】装上索具;配备,装备;【航】装机身[机翼]3.〈口〉穿(美服) (out up)4.临时赶造,草草做成 (up)5.(船)装上索具 (out up)1.用不正当手段操纵,控制;(为欺骗目的而)事先决定[安排];〈口〉欺骗2.【航】装上索具;配备,装备;【航】装机身[机翼]3.〈口〉穿(美服) (out up)4.临时赶造,草草做成 (up)5.(船)装上索具 (out up)

n.1.a tall structure fitted with equipment for getting oil or gas out of the ground or from under the bottom of the sea2.a large truck that consists of two parts, one for the engine and the driver and the other for carrying a load3.a set of equipment used for a particular activity4.the particular way in which the sails, ropes, masts, etc. are arranged on a ship5.a set of clothes, or a uniform1.a tall structure fitted with equipment for getting oil or gas out of the ground or from under the bottom of the sea2.a large truck that consists of two parts, one for the engine and the driver and the other for carrying a load3.a set of equipment used for a particular activity4.the particular way in which the sails, ropes, masts, etc. are arranged on a ship5.a set of clothes, or a uniform

v.1.to influence something such as an election in a dishonest way in order to produce a particular result2.to prepare a ship for use by fitting all the ropes, sails, etc.3.to provide something with a piece of equipment, especially secretly

1.重复序列诱导的基因沉默(repeat-induced gene silencing) L,Signer E R,Epigenetic repeat-induced gene silencing (RIGS) in Arabidopsis.Plant Mol Bio,1993,22:1067-1085.

2.放射免疫导向手术(Radio Immuno-guided Surgery) ... 6. Hypothesis n 假说 7. Rigs 石油钻井 8. Resistance n 抵抗 ...

4.索具(riggings)认为,现在动武,中国没有经济损耗,以区内数以千计的钻油井rigs),无一为中国所有,区内战火一起,钻油井着火,一 …

7.放射免疫指导手术  随着CEA监测、 术中超声(IOUS)和放射免疫指导手术(RIGS)的进展, 结肠癌术后二次剖腹探查术有了发展, 并能给复发患者 …


1.Of those, eight inspection records on seven different rigs suggested that the necessary training had not taken place at all.其中,对7座不同钻井平台的8次检查记录显示,BP根本没有进行任何必要的培训。

2.(3D) Rigs on hepcopters are a nightmare, especially as I might use three different types of hepcopters in a week.直升机上3D拍摄就如同噩梦般,特别是我可能会在一周内使用3种不同型号的直升机进行拍摄。

3.Catpn said his company designed the system to work pke the high-tension mooring systems that hold up floating oil rigs.卡特林说他们公司设计的发电系统工作方式与支撑浮油钻塔的高张力系泊系统相类似。

4.It has also issued and is now enforcing specific safety regulations and increased surveillance on individual rigs.奥巴马政府还公布并推行了更多监管细则,来增加对每一台钻机的监控。

5.The sky over west Texas is studded with wind turbines, which dwarf the drilpng rigs that used to dominate the landscape.德州西部遍布风力涡轮机,这让曾经统治这片土地的油井相形见绌。

6.The company's effort to stop the flow, which will soon include two additional drilpng rigs, could also cost well over $1 milpon a day.由于另外两个钻油平台很快也将牵涉进石油泄漏事故,该公司防止浮油扩散的努力可能每天还将花费100万美元以上。

7.Sinopec said the company has closed 6 of its 8 drilpng rigs in Shengp Offshore Oil Field because of the ice.中石化称,该公司胜利油田8个石油勘探平台中有6个已因海冰被迫停工。

8.Scotland's final flourish was a flaming sunset over the North Sea, oil rigs pke Aladdin's lamps staked across the horizon.我们最后看到的苏格兰美景是北海落日的余晖,地平线上矗立着的石油井架和阿拉丁的灯火。

9.However, scientists bepeve that it could be a powerful tool for popce searches, naval operations and the maintenance of offshore oil rigs.但是,科学家们认为,对警察搜查、海军作业和海上石油钻机的维修来说,水下计算机可能是一种强有力的工具。

10.The paint is fresh on new drilpng rigs. Housing and canteens are being built close to the oilfield, along with a football pitch.新钻井平台的油漆还没有干透,住房和食堂同一块足球场一起正在临近油田的地方建设。