

Paradise valley

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1.天堂谷 paradise bird 【动】风鸟[极乐鸟] Paradise valley [美]世外桃源(指美国西部) n. 天堂 ...

4.天堂山谷 佩吉( Page) 天堂谷市( Paradise Valley) 皮奥里亚( Peoria) ...

6.天堂峡谷 ... paradise bird【 动】风鸟[极乐鸟] Paradise valley[ 美]世外桃源(指美国西部) ...


1.Naryshkin 9 began to Japan for a 2-day visit, has met Prime Minister Naoto Kan and chief Paradise Valley, who by the people.纳雷什金9日开始对日本进行为期2天的访问,已会晤首相菅直人和官房长官仙谷由人等人。

2.Horror fiction writer draw flute came xanadu paradise valley writing, but seemingly witty paradise valley, but not the heaven.恐惧小说女作家画笛来到世外桃源地狱谷写作,可看似灵秀的地狱谷,却并非地狱。

3.At home I'd pved in one of the few lower-income neighborhoods that were included in the Paradise Valley District.在凤凰城我住在少数几个由天堂谷区辖管的低收入区里。

4.Naoto Kan, the Cabinet under the restructuring program, chief cabinet secretary, will leave by the Paradise Valley.根据菅直人的内阁改组方案,内阁官房长官仙谷由人将离职。

5.Ghettos expand. Harlem in New York. Paradise Valley in Detroit. The Hill District in Pittsburgh. In Chicago, the South Side.贫民窟不断扩张,纽约的哈勒姆,底特律的天堂谷,匹兹堡的希尔区,芝加哥的南区

6.Recently she plans to Paradise Valley to the chief by the people adhere to three principles put forward views.她计划近期向官房长官仙谷由人提出坚持三原则的意见。

7.Fly-Fish the Spring Creeks of Paradise Valley.天堂谷(美国地名)用假蝇钓鱼在丝柏凌小溪。

8.Paradise Valley held by the people in the 8 confirmed at a press conference this message.仙谷由人在8日召开的一场新闻发布会上证实这则消息。

9.BBC Natural World - The Last Grizzly of Paradise ValleyBBC自然世界-天堂谷最后的灰熊