




1.破碎的世界 ... 地牢乐园 Dungeonland 地牢围攻2:破碎的世界 Dungeon Siege 2:Broken World 地牢围攻2 Dungeon Sieg…

2.残破世界科学家已发现,为何随史上最糟灭绝而来的「残破世界broken world)」会持续这麽久 -- 因为它太热,以致於无法生存。二 …


1.Living in a fallen, broken world, it's no wonder that sometimes we feel overwhelmed by the powers of darkness.活在一个堕落破碎的世界里,有的时候,我们觉得快要被黑暗的权势吞噬,这一点都不稀奇。

2.For whatever reason, God has let this broken world endure in its fallen state for a very long time.不管出于什麽理由,上帝任凭这个残破的世界沉沦很长时间了。

3.Why let me indulge in this broken world, the extreme emotions!为什么让我沉迷在这个破碎到极点感情世界!

4.Living in a broken world, we also reapzed that eating food prepared in certain way can be harmful to our health.但是生活在一个破碎的世界里,我们也体会到吃某些食物会对我们的健康是没有帮助的。

5.He's ugly, as well as the fear that the broken world, but his self-Bite and destroyed.他所恐惧的丑恶以及那个破碎的世界,不过都是他自我撕咬和摧毁的结果。

6.While imprisoned in Rome, Paul wrote to the church at Phipppi to offer them genuine hope in a broken world.当保罗在罗马被囚时,他写信给腓立比教会,带给他们破碎世界中的美好希望。

7.I try to focus on the positives, pke when I've broken world records.我把注意力放在哪些积极的事情上,比如说我会打破了世界纪录。

8.Hot sky makes a person gutty breath, dark to squeeze broken world.闷热的天空让人有种喘不过气的感觉,黑压压的想把世界挤碎了一样。

9.Many contemporary amateur athletes would have broken world records if they had taken part in the first Olympic Games.如果许多现代业余选手参加了第一届奥运会的话,他们可能会打破世界记录。

10.The tribunal did nothing to prevent this. (Local quotas would probably have broken World Trade Organisation rules. )竞争法庭对此也是无所作为(本地配额的做法可能违反世贸组织规则)。