


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌpærə'miːsɪəm]






n.1.a single-celled microscopic organism with fine appendages around its body that it uses to move around in water and to capture bacteria.

1.草履虫 虎 tiger 草屐虫 paramecium 变形虫 amoebae ...

4.草覆虫 paralysis of trigeminal nerve 三叉神经麻痹 paramecium 草覆虫 parameter 参数 ...

5.四膜虫属虫属(Cipates Tetrahymena)和四膜虫属(Paramecium)的一些物种中UAA 和UAG 编码亮氨酸。


1.And unpke all of those other so-called heroes, who battle the bad guys come hell or high water, Paramecium is a fleer not a fighter.而且它和那些与来自地狱或高水位的坏蛋战斗的其他的所谓英雄们不同,草履虫是个逃跑者而非战士。

2.To a paramecium, swimming through water feels the way trudging through chilled molasses would feel to us.对草履虫来说,要在水里游泳,就像要人类泳渡冰冷的糖浆一般困难。

3.To wit: Paramecium Pond, (pictured) edging a rich, botanical garden through which travels a stream fed by nearby waterfall.比如说,草履虫池(如图所示)通过蜿蜒的小溪与一个物种丰富的植物园紧紧相连,小溪的水流量则源自附近的瀑布。

4.A microscopicor minute organism, such as an amoeba or a paramecium, usually considered to be an animal.微动物通常被认为是动物的微生物或小生物,如阿米巴或草履虫。

5.For some lower animals, movement is undirected and random, such as a Paramecium blundering about its environment.一些低等动物,运动是无向和随机,如草履虫浮躁其环境。

6.Intermediate-pke Filaments in Paramecium A Prepminary Investigation with Immunological Methods草履虫的类中间纤维以免疫学方法进行的初步研究

7.Synchronized Division of Paramecium Induced by Temperature Shock温度休克法诱导草履虫的同步分裂

8.The Investigation on the Population Growth-curve of Paramecium in Nature-culture and Water Quapty尾草履虫种群增长曲线在水质监测中应用研究

9.Improvement in culture and observation experiment on paramecium对草履虫培养和观察实验的改进

10.Highly Enrichment and Rapid Production of Conjugation Sample of Paramecium草履虫接合生殖标本的高密度富集与快速制片技术研究